Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

Many supports have shown up in recent days.

Work will likely start shortly on the support structure for the other (exit) end of the non-inverting loop. It should be roughly a mirror image.

A support outside the fence provides bracing for the varied forces at play on the non-inverting loop.

Both of these columns for the non-inverting loop.

One of these columns to support the non-inverting loop.

The support stump seen here will be the base of the left column. The existing two columns are seen directly behind the Skyreach boom lift.

In addition to the two supports at a shallow angle from the left, there will be another two at a steeper angle that will join at the end of the existing structure.

This section being hoisted into place features a square mount that will join directly with the track.

Unlike a conventional vertical loop which exerts mostly positive g-forces, the twisting motion of a non-inverting loop means there are a lot of different forces in different directions, so the structure is considerably more solid.

A very beefy support structure for the non-inverting loop goes into place.

The twisted airtime hill with the missing column in its shadows.

It appears that a design issue might be at play here; the removed column looks to come very close to the airtime hill beneath it.

It's quite bizarre to see the gap in the supports, but of course the structure is perfectly stable while the ride is still under construction.

A support column on the Stengel dive has been removed.

Many support columns have arrived but overall the staging area in car park is still quite sparse as construction crews wait for more track shipments from Germany.

The knotted turnaround section is now completed with the last few sections of track in place.

Perfect winter days means hopefully few weather delays between now and completion.

Watch this space.

Within the next few months this curved staircase will be the tallest point at Movie World, 60-odd metres above ground.

The car park is looking noticeably bare. But there's obviously still lots more track and supports to come.