Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

These large flat plates will be the bases of some particularly large angled supports.

Are we done with photos of the track in the car park yet? Nope.

Pay no attention to the spaghetti bowl of roller coaster in the background, this is what you're here for: closeups of steel columns.

This support column will hold one of the last sections of the roller coaster before it heads into the brake run over to the right.

Looking into what will be the station area, the final brake run has gone into position. The track is installed in a seemingly random order based on site accessibility and also what track and supports are available, as parts continue to be shipped from Germany.

Foundation bolts painted black in preparation for supports. Not all footings get this treatment as you can see in the background.

Many support columns too are only partially bolted at this stage.

As the twisted camel back goes into place, track is only bolted as much as needed to be self-supporting. The track will be fully bolted later in construction.

Another spine, showing the bracket that connects the thick two-spine track with the normal single-spine.

More partially bolted spines.

At this stage of construction the track is only partially bolted into place to allow for easy fine-tuning and adjustment to ensure every piece of this giant puzzle goes together perfectly.

A ground-hugging turn connects the s-bend to the twisted camel-back hill.

Are we sure it's not a Vekoma coaster?

The process of installing track is fairly calm and meticulous. Everything needs to line up perfectly, and thanks to precision German engineering, it generally does with ease.

The apex of a twisted camel back hill goes into place. This hill looks like the first solid moment of airtime yet to go into place.

More s-bend you say? Sure thing.

It's a beautiful piece of German thrill engineering, so here's another look at the s-bend.

The s-bend looks like it'll offer an incredible sensation of speed as it snakes to the ground.

The climb up to the inclined dive loop follows a fairly gentle path indicating it won't have too much airtime. When the track sharply overbanks and heads to the ground, would-be negative g-forces are turned into positive g-forces.