Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

More twisted sections of double spine track seen at the back of this collection.

Movie World's oldest coaster, and Movie World's newest coaster.

These sections of track will be used on a higher force sections of track.

Several sections with this double spine have arrived. The two tubular spines have steel plates welded between them.

Parts are being delivered progressively, presumably as they arrive from the German manufacturer by ship, so it could be a while before the staging area starts to fill up.

Grey supports and track that's been described as pink, purple, magenta, fuchsia and more. Let's just call it not-blue and be done with it.

Track and supports have been slowly appearing at the construction site over the last few weeks.

Cresting the second of two airtime heavy camel back hills.

The trains on Blue Fire are some of the most open and exposed of any roller coaster manufacturer.

This bold signage over the ride entrance is perhaps one of the best pieces of theming at Movie World.

Magnetic brakes lead into friction brakes in the ride's brake run.

Magnetic brakes lead into friction brakes in the ride's brake run.

Magnetic brakes lead into friction brakes in the ride's brake run.

The centrally located Dough Bros. pizzaria.

Closed for business... at 2:45pm?

Superman does the rounds on his Fortress of Solitude float.

Batwing Spaceshot, and the adjoining Justice League ride, are both down for annual maintenance.

Superman Escape twists into the second of its two large camelback hills.

Arkham Asylum is back up and running... but Batman doesn't look to happy about it.

Well, we can rule out this ride being themed to the popular Batman villain Scarecrow.