Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

This is the only water we're likely to see in the flume channel ever again.

Both Sea World and Dreamworld now have flume rides collecting leaves.

Its removal will hopefully see the convoluted mess of paths, bridges and dead-ends surrounding the ride transformed into something more logical.

With Sea World citing a 2019 attraction to replace Viking's Revenge, it is the castle supporting its final drop that would be the most valuable land for redevelopment.

With the closure of Viking's Revenge Flume Ride, the castle's days are likely numbered too.

The ride's final drop will cast a noticeable shadow over the surrounding area until it's demolished for its eventual replacement.

The entrance to Viking's Revenge Flume Ride has been hastily boarded up following its permanent closure.

Nonetheless it was happily circling the theme park all day.

The monorail is apparently closed.

Sea World's oft-forgotten other water ride Battle Boats draws minuscule crowds despite heft queues for Storm Coaster.

Fun Fish Fact: ventral rust is the leading cause of illness for fibreglass whale sharks.

The grassy knoll at the front of Sea World is now devoid of its shady casuarina trees.

Get yourelf a Critma Elfie at Ea World.

Other light poles take their inspiration from early 20th century boardwalks.

The plaza roof's support columns feature new themed lights that helps make the area feel a little utilitarian. Some are in this wood-style wharf look.

Alligator from the swamps of New Orleans sits on the new roundabout at the front of the Sea World Plaza.

As does... severed head day... ?

Mexico's Day of the Dead is featured too.

Much of Carnivale's iconography is sea-based so it's a natural fit for Sea World. Here's Poseidon pointing the way.

We're not even going to ask what this tree did to get so many beads.