Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

The new area has a very surreal feel to it.

Snaking through the garden bed disguised as a seabed.

Blue bark and some aquatic looking plants blended in with artificial plants complete the effect.

With its overall fact-based approach, it's odd that Sea World would ask a question like what do you believe? of a clearly fictitious creature, as if belief plays some role in the existence of such animals.

Much better that the bitumen paving that was hastily installed for Dinosaur Island.

The newly paved parts of Creatures of the Deep look great.

In a few months' time the new children's area will connect here.

The end of the attraction also features some walls that do their best to hide some of the Dockside Tavern's back-of-house area.

Combined with the animatronic motions, the mist really adds to the effect with some of these.

While the Kraken takes a somewhat believable form, Leviathan is a thoroughly ficticious winged, fire-breathing creature. But it looks cool.

The oddly placed whale shark towards Sea Lion Theatre is already showing signs of wear.

Unfortunately nothing was done about the derelict island that now sits in close proximity to Creatures of the Deep.

Looks like work isn't quite finished... this whale's tail will be partially submerged in the lake.

It's a shame they weren't able to make these sculptures support themselves, as the steel beams do sort of kill the imagery.

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't obvious that someone has spent a lot of time landscaping this bleakness to look as depressing as it does.

The exhibit has been given a backdrop of gravel and rocks.

And this inexplicable tree stump remains...

The whole area is kept in shrouds of mist with these water misters place throughout the landscaping.

The great white shark here gettin' all artistic in the sunlight and mist.

Many of the scultures are of prehistoric creatures, such as this kronosaurus.