Photos Adam C has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Adam C has uploaded.
Cabanas available for rent.
Rampage theming photobombs Kraken.
Always keep watch.
Tunnel of Terror in bloom.
The Lagoon is an Adventure World original.
A summer paradise.
Kahuna Falls opened in 2011, and really fleshed out the water activity offerings at the park.
Abyss remains the single biggest investment at the park.
Perhaps the one embuggerance is bystanders being unable to watch the funnel up close.
That's a big raft conveyor!
The eye of the Kraken peering over the park.
The water park area is a major draw of the park, given Perth's climate. It's a living time capsule of sorts from front to back, with the Wahoo Speed slides from 1985, the Tidal Wave racing slide from 2005, and Sea Serpents from 2006, and finally 2015's Kraken.
The lighthouse is situated outside the main entrance. Sky Tower can be seen in the background.
SeaWorld Orlando is home to seven Orcas.
Orcas demonstrating their breaching behaviour.
So many keen photographers!
The orca family.
The main entrance during the parks 50th birthday in 2014.
Dolphin dueling....