Photos Adam C has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Adam C has uploaded.
Moorish lantern at Adventureland
Built to shelter visitors from the Parisian rain, the Liberty arcade is also a handy shortcut to Frontierland.
Big Thunder Mountain being refurbished.
Thematic details at the entrance to Adventureland.
Splash Mountain as seen from atop Cinderella's castle.
Occasionally guests are treated to this view of the attraction shortly after a temporary ride stoppage.
This eatery is situated near the Tower of Terror and the Rock 'n' Rollercoaster.
A life-sized AT-AT sits at the entrance the Star Tours.
Expedition Everest is an unusually intense coaster for a Disney theme park.
This is the top of the Everest ride. At this point the Yeti has ripped up the track and the train is forced down the mountain backwards.
The dragon from Maleficent makes a fire-breating appearance in the Magic Kingdom parade.
The Stave Church that dominates the Norway section of Epcot.
This is a giant Sorcerers hat once found at the centre of the park, housing a gift shop.
What goes up must come down—this is the view from the front row of Expedition Everest.
Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover offers a gentle journey around Tomorrowland.