Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

Your car navigates twists and turns of the test track to determine its efficiency, responsiveness, power and capability.

Before boarding, your vehicle design is then loaded into the ride.

When the time runs out, you are locked into your 'creation' and it is loaded onto your magic band or park ticket.

You can muck around with a few variables, and even adjust bezier curves to get the overall shape of the roofline.

Before boarding, you are sent into a design studio, where you are given the opportunity to design a car.

In 2012, projection mapping was in vogue.

Concept cars on display in the queue.

Whilst the previous iteration of the attraction was based around the science of real world crash testing, the current iteration is more focused on the digital design of modern vehicles.

Test Track opened in 1998, but was modernised in 2012.

Riders are instructed to hit certain buttons at certain points in the mission to activate stages of the rocket, and even take control of flight at one point via the joysticks.

The exterior of Project Tomorrow.

Interactive stations showcase the future of transportation, medicine, communications and so on.

At the exit of the ride, you are spat out into the "Project Tomorrow" exhibit.

A photo is taken, with your face put into the animation. In the future, apparently we will all ride automatic pods to work.

To get back to ground level, there is a long descent downhill, with vehicles turned to face backwards so you're not sliding forward in your seat. To keep you entertained, a touch screen asks a few questions and delivers a custom film with "your vision of the future".

And finally, the computer age.

The advent of home television.

The age of live radio broadcasts.

Soon times progress to the sharing of news via newsreels.

Painting the roof of the Sistine Chapel.