Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.
The ride gets cracking with a sloppy drop under a bridge.
A boat of riders about to head over the edge.
An early part of the course.
This vent delivers an unexpected blast of water.
Heading off from the station.
The last stretch of course before the station.
The station.
Riders emerge from the Hurricane River section, but they are hardly in the clear...
Water cannons (free) are popular for wetting riders.
As the rafts spin quite a bit, a lot of the fun comes from guessing who will be in the path of the next dumping of water.
Below deck.
Some of the theming.
The bridge has a few interactive elements.
Playing the pictured sequence of notes causes the piano to erupt in song.
Look closely beside the ship, and a shark that circles can be seen.
The entrance to the attraction.
You even go offroad at one point. The central guideway is widest here, so steering is no longer in control of the riders.
The station.