Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

Here we see information being recorded in a Roman library.

The ride vehicles work their way up inside the sphere through different time periods.

The ride is essentially a retelling of the history of human communication and record keeping.

It is an Omnimover ride, with guests sitting in a continuously moving chain of vehicles.

A mural hints at the concept for the ride.

The queue and entrance at the base of the ride.

Spaceship Earth is probably he ride most strongly associated with Epcot.

Each pod seats 4, with a control panel and high resolution screen in front of every seat.

Each pod can tilt too, enhancing the motion.

The pods you ride are arranged on a centrifuge, allowing for the g forces of space flight to be recreated.

There are two missions to choose from. The green mission is low intensity, a space flight around earth.
The orange mission is more intense, centering around a space flight to mars, and making use of centrifugal rotation to provide strong g forces during the ride. During the preshow the intensity of the orange mission is strongly impressed upon guests, with those with misgivings urged to exit instead of riding.

An impressive rotating artificial gravity space habitat.

Examples of space exploration tech on display.

Guests are at the ISTC, the International Space Training Centre.

The ride opened in 2003, but in 2017 received a refresh, with new updated ride films.

And of course you can meet Figment the dragon.

Kids can pose for a funny photo.

Kids can make music by waving their hands.

The exit of the ride flushes you out into an interactive exhibit.

The ride ends with a song.