Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

The theme is an abstract take on being underwater.

Ocean Explorer is another kids area at SeaWorld San Diego.

In the background you can see the small Sea Dragon Drop ride.

Why has nobody thought of a jellyfish wave swinger until now?

A mechanical swing.

Small bouncing submarines.

Wild Arctic

What are they watching?

There are also walruses.

A sleeping seal up back.

The star is the beluga whale.

Some areas pay tribute to early expeditions to the Arctic.

Wild Arctic is themed like an Arctic outpost.

The Dolphin Show.

The cabin ascends.

Annoyingly, the windows of the cabin are covered with perforated printed film, which interferes with any photos you take onboard.

Like Bayside Skyride, this attraction is also an upgcharge.

A SeaWorld icon.

Onboard the Bayside Skyride.

Swim, turtle, swim.