Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

Bayside Skyride takes you out over the water outside the park, before turning you straight back around again, there is no getting off.

The loading area.

Electric Eel & Journey To Atlantis.

The train whips around a non inverted loop before being slowed down again in the station.

After the roll is a vertical drop with a twist.

Eventually the train makes it up a vertical incline and through a slow elevated barrel roll.

Banks of LSMs rock the train back and forth to pick up speed.

The station.

The queue.

The entrance.

Electric Eel, a compact multi launch looping coaster.

The ride has an entirely custom layout.

Journey To Atlantis received a mid life facelift, with a new colour scheme.

Manta opened in 2012.

The ride was the second to use Mack Rides new generation track and train system (First seen on Blue Fire at Europa Park)

Plenty of good vantage points for bystanders.

The overall layout of Manta.

Bamboo fencing surrounding the ride.

It's a unique coaster that straddles the boundary of family and thrill.

Another look at the station from the back.