Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

There's a zero g stall hidden in the structure (right of photo). The train is about to enter a turn and a double airtime bump.

After the wave turn, a few airtime moments.

Some supports for the wave turn are even braced against an adjacent shop!

Additional steel supports were added to brace the original wooden structure.

Next a wave turn passes over the station.

A rapid twist coming out of the overbanked turn.

Transition from the roll to the overbank.

Following the downhill barrel roll is a large overbanked turn.

Next the track rises up and enters a downhill barrel roll.

Following the first drop is a large outward banked hill.

Ready to go.

The ride begins with a 62.8m lift hill, leading to a 91 degree drop.

Riders negotiate the wild track held in only by lap bars.

The load station.

The ride replaces the old Gwazi dueling wooden coasters, recycling parts of its structure, and the station building.

Iron Gwazi is a fearsome, hypercoaster sized hybrid coaster, featuring a beyond vertical drop, inversions and multiple airtime points, all at an incredibly fast pace.

Looking across the Serengeti plains at sunset.

The two coasters in the Egyptian themed area.

Skyride has been closed since 2020, but is due to re-open early 2024.

Montu still holds up as one of the best inverted coasters after 28 years of operation.