Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

A swing launch is used to send the train back and forth, giving it speed to clear the looping track.

Tigris is a Sky Rocket II launch coaster from Premier Rides.

Stanley Falls Flume - 2023.

Phoenix Rising, the new B&M family inverted coaster coming in 2024.

A good sense of speed is maintained through the remainder of the course.

A tight, intense loop.

The lift hill and first drop.

....However it offers a great deal of intensity.

One loop and a couple of helices, a simple design....

Scorpion is a classic "Silverarrow" looping coaster from Schwarzkopf.

Carousel Caravan in Pantopia.

The ride anchors the rethemed "Pantopia" area.

Just as the ride hits the brakes, the seats are rotated back to upright. This is all done passively with the weight of the gondola. Look closely above the seats and you can see a curved magnetic brake fin used to regulate this.

The seats are then rotated to face the ground, and the gondola drops!

The gondola waits for a moment at the top.

The gondola is lifted to the top.

Riders sit in one of eight gondolas, which seat four.

The queue surrounding the base of the ride.

Falcon's Fury was the worlds first face first drop ride.

The ride in an enormous swing, like a pirate ship on steroids.