Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

Soon, your group is called through to the cockpit.

Screens explaining your mission.

It's a faithful recreation.

Guests then step aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Guests can either be a pilot, gunner or engineer.

The preshow features an animatronic Hondo Ohnaka, inviting you on a mission to capture some Coaxium fuel.

A pretty cool zone.

Visually it looks impressive, but lacks some of the humor and buzz seen over at Star Tours.

The first bit of the queue is through a ship maintenance depot.

The ship is a major landmark in Galaxy's Edge and is full of detail.

Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run lets guests fly the Millennium Falcon.

The unload area.

Eventually you find a way out and crash land back on Batuu.

The trackless vehicles twist and turn through the corridors of the star destroyer, with a new danger around every corner.

Soon you are on your way, but not before an encounter with some suspicious droids piloting other vehicles.

A droid on the front has been reprogrammed to pilot your escape. During the ride it whirrs and chirps in response to the action around you.

You are instructed to board a transport vehicle to make your way through the star destroyer to the escape pods.

When Kylo Ren and General Hux step away for a moment, your salvation comes when other members of the resistance cut a hole in the wall and bust you out of your cell.

Soon General Hux and Kylo Ren appear, and demand to know the location of the secret base you were headed too.

Seemingly no way out.