Photos Gazza has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Gazza has uploaded.

Groups of eight are sent into these cells.

Storm troopers watch over the cellblock.

Eventually you end up at the cell block, where you are divided into groups for 'interrogation'.

Darn cool theming!

Guest's are hustled out of the fighter bay and down some corridors.

The transport craft is a mild simulator. Everyone stands and grabs onto the bars.

An example transport vehicles used by the first order within the star destroyer.

The rear of your transport craft.

A docked tie fighter.

Turn too look behind you and there is your captured transport craft.

The doors open, revealing the enormous fighter bay.

The cabin of the transport shakes as you come under attack.

A First Order star destroyer pulls you into the fighter bay with its tractor beam.

Shortly after takeoff your squadron is attacked by First Order tie fighters.

Soon you take off from the surface of Battu.

Your transport is being piloted by Lieutenant Bek.

X Wing at night.

Accompanying X-wings are also ready to go with you.

When you step outside, your transport is parked discreetly under a cliff.

With that, you are instructed to move out.