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Green Lantern Coaster


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There has been a misquote anyway, GL will use capacitors, not batteries, so there shouldn't be the same degradation issues. That's also how they can charge so quicky. Capacitors have been the standard method for powering onboard audio for a little while now.

I'm wondering if BT also used capacitors when it was open. Also wondering how the sound was delivered to the boats. Did they use something like a UHF/VHF radio or were the sides of the boat channel wired for sound?
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My understanding of it is that MW's marketing department would have supplied the ad agency with specific details to mention in the ad and a general theme for the ad. It would then be up to the agency to deliver the finished product. I don't believe any research would take place from the agency. I might be wrong though.

Boom, quoted for truth. Pretty sure when you're paying tens of thousands for a TVC you're going to give them a little bit of prior knowledge of what they're actually spending time creating for you.
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In regards to the drop now being steeper I have a feeling the initial measurement given was a safe amount until the track work was complete and finalised. Would have looked bad coming out from the start saying worlds steepest then having to retract it if something happened that resulted in the ride being not as steep when completed. Either way it should make for a great ride and a decent addition to the park. Going to do the stupid thing and go down opening weekend to ride it. Will look at using the ERT for VIP Gold pass holders (with a bit of luck Superman or Batwing next month) to get in the park earlier and try to get an edge over the general public getting onto it.

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Whilst people may be grammar Nazis it comes down to it being one of the Community Guidelines

Spelling, punctuation and grammar should be correct and proper at all times.

Getting back on topic I guess things will be well under way to get the ride in a state where it can be opened. Only around three weeks left. Although I can't see them doing a Dreamworld and opening the ride only to add to it later.
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Whilst people may be grammar Nazis it comes down to it being one of the Community Guidelines

Interesting though that people don't do this crap to everyone. Just those with whom they seldom agree. Great to see cars on the tracks and can't wait to see what sort of themeing they will get in there in the 16 days if they are still going for December 15.
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It is entirely possible that MovieWorld will complete the ride with very basic operational infrastructre for the opening with the installation of more themeing after the fact. From memory was this not what they did with Lethal Weapon. When it was first installed wasnt it just the coaster and a load/unload station? The track etc. was red and black. Then shortly after the ride was in operation the additional buildings were added, or at least finished.

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