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Flume Ride @ Aussie World


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  • 3 weeks later...

Opening December 8 :D Pic http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/382731_331110630248128_114201288605731_1327926_435395755_n.jpg They better have a TV ad for it since they had one for the crummy slide lol. This ride will actually get people through the doors.

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I actually think the boats are new unless theyve been totally gutted and re-fitted/painted. I didnt see any boats arrive with the flume parts so yeah they well could be new. I like the logo's they have on the front too!

So was the ride itself second-hand?

Though very disappointed they didn't end up building the enclosed shed/theming structure at the top that was in the artists impression. Oh well, good job for Aussie World

My exact thoughts on it all.
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