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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/15 in all areas

  1. Cue my yearly rant about making stuff up on the fly, no long term vision, under valuing the parks and inconsistent ticketing themes. I think this is being rushed out quite early this year to boost what has been financially a rather lacklustre year. Obviously that'll weigh down next years results and oh my we're back onto no long term vision again aren't we!
    1 point
  2. ^I just had a look on SWs page and people have asked when it would be opening and SW replied saying this September.
    1 point
  3. I think you're being unduly hard on Australia to be honest. Sure, it'd be nice if you had a B&M and a modern wooden twister, but I'd argue that the Gold Coast area is a very decent alternative to Florida, with a major virtue being that it's far less crowded. I've got to say I prefer the Australian sense of fun to the average uptight American, too...
    1 point
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