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Everything posted by Reanimated35

  1. Placeholders are in place for Batwing (Drop Towers are coming in a future update/DLC) Superman (great one in the workshop) and AA (Not so great one in the workshop). And some work has taken place on JL3D. Thanks @jjuttp for the image above.
  2. Hey @Gazza @joz @Slick - can we have this post reverted to what it was before (before it was edited to not look so embarrassing)?
  3. Fair point, but don't passes go on sale in June? That's an announcement 3 months before opening? Haven't all the other rides been announced long before that?
  4. Is the word "Dreamworlds" in the thread title bothering anyone else or is it just me? Good to see Dreamworld supporting these guys after all these years though.
  5. Aww, you've gone soft. They were worthy of a bit of a giggle at least. It has now been 446 days since the application was lodged. That's 1 year, 2 months, 19 days so far and we're still waiting on an announcement. We're going to get to the point where the track arrives, gets constructed, theming is installed then maybe we'll get a press release saying "oh yeah, we're opening this next week". I can understand if there was supposed to be an announcement back in Oct/Nov which could have been put on hold thanks to TRR, and then just maybe I could accept, albeit at a stretch, that they were busy promoting White Christmas and Carnivale. Thing is now we're in February. this coaster is set to open in approx 225 days. We still have no official word on what's happening. Maybe it's just my short attention span, maybe it was the over-saturation of VRTP events between October-January, but with nothing going on on this from an official standpoint, for some reason I'm getting over it fairly quickly. All the speculation is getting old and we're resorting to spreading fake information/photos just to keep some kind of discussion going. I'm not even sure now if I'll be all that excited once the announcement is finally made. Anyway, that's my tiny rant for the day.
  6. WARNING: SOME READERS MAY FIND THIS DISTRESSING. LINK CONTAINS A VIDEO SHOWING THE ACCIDENT It is believed the accident took place at Fengdu County in southwest China. The 14-year-old was pronounced dead at hospital following failed resuscitation attempts, it has been reported. Footage shows her on a ride called “A Journey in Space” where she falls out of her seat and dangles from the ride. Full Article Video (YouTube)
  7. I will start the bidding with this picture of a dollar coin.
  8. What if you boarded upside down, mid-loop and finished the loop to start the ride?
  9. Can the same be said for the motocoaster? Technically it's not really an exciting or thrilling ride, due to it being a sub-par version of what it could have been, therefore it's unique and innovative?
  10. Usually google.com/maps has more up to date maps than Google.com.au/maps
  11. Anyone got the layout of justice league by any chance?
  12. I've been wrong before, but I wouldn't expect theming on site and visible until after construction has gone vertical. I'd expect theming around June/July. This is likely studio props, but as I said, I've been wrong before
  13. Got super lazy today. Had the game running for 3-4 hours and all I managed to do was this, which took all of 5 mins.
  14. Maybe I was really unlucky every time I went through and they were mid shift swap or something. Never seemed to be many actors in there, was all smoke and strobes. Seemed more about creating fear from the potential for something to happen rather than fear by actors scaring guests.
  15. I saw your first reply. ......bitch. The two 'hero' mazes from last year will be this years smaller mazes. That means FDTD & Conjuring 2 will be back this year.
  16. In fairness, I didn't say burn Parkz, maybe we just burn @Richard instead? I mean that's still how we find out if he's a witch, right?
  17. And even that wasn't something that was overly terrible. I mean, sure, it hurt a bit but it was only temporary. I never really found either ride to be terrible. Yes, there's many smoother coasters out there, but there's also worse ones.
  18. It looks like everything is overseen by AALARA so given these carnival rides are being closely monitored by the relevant local/state/federal WHS departments to meet Australian standards, you would think that it's safe to assume the people who work on them would have to be qualified. Whether that's true in practice is another story I guess.
  19. I decided to pick it apart after all because, why not, I haven't posted much lately. Some of these questions I want to know, some are what I'd imagine other people might be interested in, and some stuff is just general feedback. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This ad seems to break up the article in a strange spot. Maybe it should be under it? Is this the latest report available? (I would assume so, but it is 2017, and Gen Y and beyond want up to the minute information) This just seems a little confusing. > Firstly the blue section makes reference to the red text. That's fine, but the pink section then also makes reference to the red text, however with the blue text in the middle, it can read as though the pink references the blue, but then the stats appear to be a typo. (How's the head after reading that?) > "Seriously" injured. What about other injuries? What do they class as a "serious" injury? I feel as though this should mention we're still talking about stats from the USA. (Yes it links to a USA site, but still) ------------ > What are these sensors? > What do they look like? > How many does each ride have? > What are all the non-ride factors that can impact them? (Rain, dust, snow, fog juice, misters etc) > What's involved in restarting the ride? > What if the power goes out? Are the PLC's connected to UPS? ------------ > Why do they take so long? > Does it really take 30 min to an hour for the staff to realise it can't be fixed by a PLC reset and they'll have to evac? > If so, despite all their training, why does it take so long to gear up and begin the evac process? > Do they have different procedures for evac in summer vs winter (or at least cooler vs warmer months)? > Given how safe these track catwalks are, why isn't one of the first things they do in summer is to walk up the catwalk and provide water to all guests while someone else gears up for the evac? ------------ > What do these "block" sections look like? > Can you see them from the ground? > How many "blocks" does each ride have? > What about alpine coasters? ------------ > Do rare earth magnets "expire"? As in, do they ever need to be replaced? If they do, doesn't that open them up for a "chance of failure?" ------------ A great little fluff piece here, but pretty much avoids answering your own question. So, how common are stoppages? ------------ > after all, > ...heightened coverage has also made everyday guests...
  20. Great article, wouldn't have minded seeing more detail on the sensors incl pics. Also maybe a photo or two of some rides with their block sections highlighted so people understand. I could pick it apart and scrutinize it in greater detail but I'm feeling lazy at the moment.
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