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Use Behemoth Bowl as a body slide?


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Just wondering. I cant wait to try out the behemoth bowl but to be honest, I wish it was the body slide version not the 4 person tube one as I reckon the body slide one would be more fun as you could give yourself a better ride by trying ride the walls of the bowl etc.. Anyways, I was wondering, do you reckon the behemoth bowl would still allow you to go down the ride without the tube?? THen you could have the best of both worlds.. the tube version and the body slide version..

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No way. The body slide version is terrible - thank god they went with the Behemoth. You have to remember that the Behemoth Bowl is a NEWER, MUCH BIGGER version of the traditional Bowl Slide. Why would you want the old slide when you can go with new and improved? Not to mention the fact that the original bowls were extremely painful with a terrible direct drop from the mouth of the bowl straight into the pool. I'm sure they no doubt cause a number of injuries so not a very sensible attraction for a waterpark to install. I think they have certainly made the right choice with the Behemoth

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I second that, the large amounts of water, shallow landing pool and rougher seams between slide segments (just look at the difference between white water mountain and mammoth falls at WnW, white water mountain has very smooth slides, but mammoth has rough joins (no need for smooth ones) that make "seal noises" as the raft passes over) that would make the ride very dangerous. Also, with the single rider version there is an obvious capacity issue, it is quite slow to send people down one at a time, and then after that wait for them to swim out of the pool. Compare this to the Behemoth bowl which can take 4 people at once, and has a shallow exit area that is easy to get out of. You would need at least 4 body slide bowls to have the same capacity, and even then you lack the group fun factor from riding with 3 others. Though, I want to try a single rider bowl at one point, i enjoy a good old bomb or dive, so dropping out sounds kind of fun.

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Someone fell out of the clover leaf on the tornado when I went and it looked and SOUNDED painful, they were screaming because they reckon it was very painful, it happened twice. First time was at night and going up the wall the first time they let go fell back and rolled not slide down the middle of the funnel and the 2nd time was someone fell off before the steep drop but they came out first and the tube was about a metre behind him... the tube sliding fast and being heavier ran over the person. Looked OUCHIE!

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Lol, "looked OUCHIE!" that would have really hurt, the first time I looked into a tornado I got freaked out by the size of it but I if fell off the tube I would be screaming. This bowl slide does sound fun, I want to get dropped into a pool it sounds really fun.

Edited by aidan
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Keep it as an all 4 raft slide. It's more funner that way, you get to see 3 other people crapping themselves!
*Fun... Don't worry, I do that all the time, though I can't help correcting people for some odd reason! :P Yeh, I definitely have to agree with you there! There's nothing more fun than seeing those priceless expressions on your friend's faces, especially when they were acting all tough before they got on. It's almost more fun than the ride itself! :D
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Well, both Behemoth and Pro Bowls are coming to Jamberoo with the Cannonbowl.
Sorry, I dont understand what you are saying. A Cannonbow is just a bowl that uses a 2 person raft, like the behemoth it also uses a spiral exit in the middle rather than simply dropping out. So how can both rides be coming, if there is only one Cannonbowl being built, and it is different to the other two types?
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If peopel have been on a pro bowl and didn't like it then that's fine, you are free to have your opinion. But please don't go and say it would be painful and no fun if the only reference you have to that fact is falling out of a slide you were meant to ride within a raft... that's just silly.

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