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Luna Park Sydney - the future with Wet'n'Wild


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Sorry I am not so certain. I visited LPS on Sat night and asked virtually every operator if there was a new ride being prepared for the old Flying Saucer site and every one of them said no. Now of course we all take what operators say with a grain of salt, but I was left with the distinct impression that this information was correct- several were adamant that nothing was being installed in the short term.

Which leaves us with where you have got your info Mr Me.

Also, there is nothing that has been done to the Flying Saucer site to say that it is being prepared for a new attraction, as far as I could see. The "new" decals are very similar to what was there when the Flying Saucer was in existence( see attached pic), and this could have been cosmetic work to tidy up the area for New Years Eve celebrations. The site was used as a viewing platform for LPS NYE fireworks party.

Unfortunately, I do not think that a new ride will be coming to LPS in the first half of 2015.


when i asked around almost all of them said that a new ride is coming soon but they don't know what it is yet.

I also have a close friend who works there and he said pretty much the exact same thing.

I'm almost certain it will be under construction by at least the next 3-4 months.

And if there isn't a new ride going up then why are the decals there, I don't think it's for viewing because if it was they would be painting an amusement/fun house theme not WWII

Edited by Mr Me
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We all know a new ride is coming. LPS has made it plain that Hair Raiser was the first in a series of attractions - and I believe the next one was due to commence construction late last year. I also believe that it was delayed due to the ruckus caused by the Hair Raiser DA.

But your statement, to which Jobe responded, was in response to a question, asking whether the art work at the back of the Flying Saucer site was preparation for a new ride. You answered that it was. At this stage, we don't know where the new ride is going - so whilst all the people you talked to told you 'a new ride is coming' (which we already knew), Jobe specifically asked whether the flying saucer site was being prepared for said ride, and was told no.

Nobody is doubting that the folks you know told you a new ride is coming, but I think you've made an assumption that it was going to Flying Saucer.

Jobe is quite the source when it comes to our Luna Parks... and i'm quite inclined to take his info as being reliable... and it's your assumption that he's calling you out on.

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Well the staff i asked said that it was going up at the old flying saucer spot

and now that the decals are there I think its safe to say that it is going there.

Yeah sorry Mr Me, I was not issuing an attack on you personally or in any way insinuating that you had made any info up. I am merely responding to the facts at hand.

As AlexB said, this could go either way. You are basing your info on staff members that you asked, and on Saturday, I did the same thing. The interesting point to me ,is that not one ( from about 8 team members questioned over the visit) even gave credence to a new ride being a- installed soon or b- being installed on the Flying Saucer site. If there was even a rumour of a new ride, you would expect that ONE would have indicated this. <_<

You point to new "decals" as being hard evidence of preparation for a new ride but I just do not see it. As I have stated in my previous post, they are VERY similar to the original Flying Saucer decals and their mere existence is not enough to confirm any new ride , for mine. The site has seen no other activity OTHER than its use at NYE and is still empty with absolutely no work having been started or progressed.

And lastly, the official line from LPS, is that no new ride has been announced or is forthcoming. This is not unexpected from any park, who would wish to keep any new project under wraps until they are ready to release info on their terms.

We definitely know that LPS have a tiered plan for installing new attractions and replacing old rides with a 5 year time frame. Its a reasonable assumption to say that this new ride would directly replace Flying Saucer on its former site.

However, until hard evidence comes to hand to indicate this, all we have are some very thin assumptions.

Personally, I hope that any new ride installation is accelerated once the Hair Raiser debacle is put to bed. LPS can then get back on track with its expansion plans. ;)

Edited by Jobe
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well nothing has really happened in the park that's discussion worthy.

Very true!!

In that case I will post some pics and a quick trip report from LPM from when I visited about 3 weeks ago- I had meant to post them before but had not got around to it!!


Mr Moon and the entrance are looking in very good condition- they have been the subject of restoration work in the latter half of last year.



The new dining precinct/restaurant/function room is slowly inching closer to completion. Its good to see that it is sympathetic to the pre-existing architectural style.



The new Ghost train façade or bridge is very nicely done indeed and I am sure that it would look even better at night. These works had also been recently finished along with a refurb of the interior. Since I did not ride the Ghost train this visit, I cannot confirm what has been done to the inside or how effective it is, but if the exterior is anything to go by, then it should be of a decent standard. This ride was very popular the entire time I was in the park.


The Freakout was LPM's holiday ride. Have ridden it before when it was at LPS, it features lap bar only restraints for a very forceful ride. Highly recommended.


The grand old dame of LPM. This beautiful carousel in brilliant working condition, is the only example of a Philadelphia Toboggan Company carousel outside of North America in the world. It was originally purchased for the White City fun park in Sydney before moving to LPM. Just love looking at this ride.


The Eyerly Aircraft Company Spider. Getting rarer and rarer these days. This example is in good working order and is well looked after. Still have not solved the mystery if this example was sourced from Australia's Wonderland when they removed one called the Funnel Web. Can anyone shed some light?


LPM's Enterprise. Always good to see one of these rising over the Midway.


Hello....what have we here?


This is what I have come here for!


Green train today!! Have to say its been a few years in between rides for me and although she was running well and forceful, the old lady was certainly rocking!! After 102 years of continual operation, it gave me great pleasure to see that this ride could still pack the crowds and had long line ups whilst I was in the park. A true national treasure!


Nice shot showing the brakeman reclining on his seat ready for another run!! This is history folks- we are so lucky to have a ride of this type and iconic status still operating!! Get out there and ride it!

LPM was certainly doing the business on this day. Interestingly, the parks newest ride, the Power Surge was down for maintenance. Once the new dining precinct opens, and they source a new coaster for the old Metropolis site, plus the eventual return of the Rotor, LPM will be a great little park to kill a few hours if you are in Melbourne. Its definitely a must do if you are visiting in the summer.

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Very true!!

In that case I will post some pics and a quick trip report from LPM from when I visited about 3 weeks ago- I had meant to post them before but had not got around to it!!


Mr Moon and the entrance are looking in very good condition- they have been the subject of restoration work in the latter half of last year.



The new dining precinct/restaurant/function room is slowly inching closer to completion. Its good to see that it is sympathetic to the pre-existing architectural style.



The new Ghost train façade or bridge is very nicely done indeed and I am sure that it would look even better at night. These works had also been recently finished along with a refurb of the interior. Since I did not ride the Ghost train this visit, I cannot confirm what has been done to the inside or how effective it is, but if the exterior is anything to go by, then it should be of a decent standard. This ride was very popular the entire time I was in the park.


The Freakout was LPM's holiday ride. Have ridden it before when it was at LPS, it features lap bar only restraints for a very forceful ride. Highly recommended.


The grand old dame of LPM. This beautiful carousel in brilliant working condition, is the only example of a Philadelphia Toboggan Company carousel outside of North America in the world. It was originally purchased for the White City fun park in Sydney before moving to LPM. Just love looking at this ride.


The Eyerly Aircraft Company Spider. Getting rarer and rarer these days. This example is in good working order and is well looked after. Still have not solved the mystery if this example was sourced from Australia's Wonderland when they removed one called the Funnel Web. Can anyone shed some light?


LPM's Enterprise. Always good to see one of these rising over the Midway.


Hello....what have we here?


This is what I have come here for!


Green train today!! Have to say its been a few years in between rides for me and although she was running well and forceful, the old lady was certainly rocking!! After 102 years of continual operation, it gave me great pleasure to see that this ride could still pack the crowds and had long line ups whilst I was in the park. A true national treasure!


Nice shot showing the brakeman reclining on his seat ready for another run!! This is history folks- we are so lucky to have a ride of this type and iconic status still operating!! Get out there and ride it!

LPM was certainly doing the business on this day. Interestingly, the parks newest ride, the Power Surge was down for maintenance. Once the new dining precinct opens, and they source a new coaster for the old Metropolis site, plus the eventual return of the Rotor, LPM will be a great little park to kill a few hours if you are in Melbourne. Its definitely a must do if you are visiting in the summer.

Great trip report and those photos are great! I'm going there in Melbourne so I guess it should be fun and what happened to their simulator? Is it still there because it's not displayed on their website.

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  • 3 months later...

​Does this mean that their next ride is going to go as planned now?????

​We can assume that at this stage. I am pretty confident that after the DA fiasco with Hair Raiser, any new ride will have the proper planning and construction approval checked and triple checked.


*big middle finger to the residents*

Hopefully, they expend a lot of moneyarrow-10x10.png fighting in court, and lose... and have to move.


*dare to dream*

​Absolutely!! My thoughts and feelings exactly!

Seriously though, despite there being some culpability on the Park's behalf for ensuring that legally every box was ticked, this is a win for common sense and also a strong indication that the laws that protect the park from this sort of resident nonsense are legally adequate and binding. Its also a strong indication that the government is willing to protect businesses like LPS  that are caught up in this type of minority group class action and opposition.

Hopefully the Park's plans for new rides and replacement can now get rightfully back on track. 

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Am i the only one that would love to see an Enterprise here!? How cool would it be, just looming over the whole park!

​LPS actually had an Enterprise in the 1980's incarnation of the park. It was a Huss model as well.

Taken from Dave Burton's Amusement Ride Extravaganza page:

The Enterprise was arguably the most ground-breaking ride ever for it’s time, setting a standard for a whole generation of amusement rides on its debut in 1972. The Schwarzkopf Enterprise had an overall look and engineering technology that was years ahead of its time.

The HUSS Enterprise is in actual fact a copy from Schwarzkopf who manufactured some 20 rides. In 1976, HUSS produced their own superior copy (larger capacity, with a hydraulic arm, not electro-mechanical) HUSS has now sold over 95 Enterprises worldwide.

The Enterprise consists of 20 gondolas, each fitting 2 people - one sitting behind the other. The ride then rotates clockwise gaining just enough speed to keep its riders perfectly in place with centrifugal force. The main arm then slowly lifts to 87° smoothly hurling the riders upside down. The ride may look repetitive and nauseating but the on-ride experience is MUCH differentMAKINGarrow-10x10.png for a very enjoyable, ultra-smooth ride.

Through very clever engineering there are no safety harnesses other than the grab-bars on the car walls, due to the centrifugal force making gravity and body weight are just about equal - this creates a feeling of weightlessness while also ensuring you stay on your seat.

A portable Enterprise fits on 2.5 trailers and weighs 40 tonnes, though nowadays most are park models.

As a result of Enterprise’sSUCCESSarrow-10x10.png, HUSS produced the larger capacity Sky Lab containing fifteen four-person gondolas. Some years later, HUSS released a stand-up variation, the UFO.

There are approximately 23 HUSS Enterprises in North America, at least 20 in Europe and 3 in Australia.

An Enterprise would be an adequate ride and would fit in the space vacated by Flying Saucer perfectly, but I feel that something newer is needed. LPS have had a Enterprise in the park before and a ride that is based on 43 year old technology isn't exactly cutting edge. Love the Enterprise as a ride but there are plenty of newer rides which would be a far more exciting addition to LPS's ride line up.

Besides, I would rather see the Tumblebug be moved to the spot vacated by Flying Saucer, freeing up this space for a larger ride...*cough* did someone say coaster??

Any of these would be a welcome addition in that space....


By all accounts, Zamperla's Motocoasters are a fun little compact.....


The Intamin Zacspins have been mentioned before but are not everyones cup of tea..........


One of these is my dream addition to LPS..... I have been banging this particular drum for a while now!


This would fit nicely but I have never ridden one. The reports on this coaster are almost universally bad..Still it would be an Australian first! A flying coaster....


Given the incident at MovieWorld dare I even suggest one of these?


There are plenty of other options as well..IMHO there are plenty of choices and the chances of LPS getting another coaster such as these shouldn't be an insurmountable mountain to climb.....

Edited by Jobe
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Don't just think about off the shelf models. I would much rather prefer an X-Car, a Premier Sky Rocket II, a Eurofighter or a Chance Hyper GT-X coaster like the one at Kentucky Kingdom. These could be custom fit and they would work out great on Maloney's Corner.

maybe an element over the water.

Edited by XxMrYoshixX
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Don't just think about off the shelf models. I would much rather prefer an X-Car, a Premier Sky Rocket II, a Eurofighter or a Chance Hyper GT-X coaster like the one at Kentucky Kingdom. These could be custom fit and they would work outarrow-10x10.png great on Maloney's Corner.

maybe an element over the water.

Yeah its a good point Yoshi, but I don't think LPS will go the route of a custom fit again. IF they were to get another coaster, I feel that an off the shelf compact would not be out of their reach, both financially and footprint wise. Anything else would possibly be too big a project or investment and may galvanise the surrounding residents to further useless action.  

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Am i the only one that would love to see an Enterprise here!? How cool would it be, just looming over the whole park!

Yes you're the only one.

Considering the article posted by Jobe actually points out that the UFO previously in LPS was a sucessor to the enterprise... i don't think the park wants to be going backwards in time.

And LPS should NEVER get a Zacspin. that is all.

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