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Dreamworld Steam Train


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Hey all

Just a short post to ask park members to get onto Dreamworld and say how much they loved seeing the "steam" loco back on the rails today.

Yep thats right the steam trains was running around all day today.  I asked the train crew when did she return?

They told me today was the first time in 3.5 years that it has been on the rails and had some major work done to it.  

I also asked how often it would run?   The engineer said it was a trial today to see what the feedback was like from the public.   One hurdle was that he was the only one who can

operate the train but asked me to go only Facebook or email dreamworld and let them know my feedback which I have done.


If dreamworld read this    PLEASE KEEP THE STEAMER RUNNING!!





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Count me in for seeing the Steam Trains run more often.  In the [url=http://www.parkz.com.au/update/2016/01/13/378-Dreamworld_January_2016.html] last Parkz Update we spoke a bit about how great the park was looking, and how positive many of the moves they were making are.  Almost all of the negative things from that update was based on decisions made years ago, and one of the things we mentioned was the utterly charmless new diesel train, so obviously we think that even just trialing putting the old Steam Train out there is a fantastically promising start, and honestly I'd be content to just see it out there on Weekends/peak periods at this point as a compromise to see it going again. 


I don't know if Dreamworld have any new rides in the works, but word on the street is they've got 2 projects to bring new life to old attractions, this would be a third completely out of no where and I'm delighted! 

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11 hours ago, Ashley said:

According to Dreamworlds opening hours schedule the Dreamworld Express only operates until 4:00pm now not 5:00pm.

It could be related, that said yesterday the engine ran from 10-5 with an hour break at 1230.

Back in the day where they were hell bent on getting rid of the steam (and when the writing was on the wall) they were only operating between 11-4 with a break in the middle to save operating costs, when the diesel took over the full operating schedule was resumed.

Even if it was only a "trial", from all reports it was successful and sure got a lot of people talking about it. The comments from all walks of life were along the lines of "it's a real steam train", which is refreshing to hear.

The day the park pulled the pin on steam was the day the park threw its history into the bin and said "we don't care". The park has changed a lot since then, and my wife can tell you how much I was buzzing after hearing the news about management giving the green light to run the Baldwin.

There's been a few people in the background campaigning the return of the steam train, and it looks like it has paid off. To those who had been working in the background to make it happen, thank you.

I really hope this is the start of more frequent and scheduled use of the steam engine.

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Comments on DW's facebook page this morning (from Dreamworld) suggested they were happy to see the steamer back, but that 'it takes her a lot longer to get going these days due to her age' - so i think we'll only see her out for special events.

It would however be nice to see them commission a new loco altogether, one that will last for many years to come.

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I would suggest the diesel loco will be back on the tracks today now that we're out of holiday peak season with school going back today.

TBH - I'd be happy if they ran steam \ diesel on alternating days - if thats what it takes maintenance wise for the steamer to stay in service... but I don't think it's worth running two trains on such a small track. For starters they'd need to double their current carriages, and even then - I don't think i've ever seen a time when the train didn't have enough seats for those who were waiting... so adding twice the number of seats 'to reduce waiting time' wouldn't really be worth it.

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Back in the old days they used to run both the Perry and Baldwin simultaneously, sadly the carriages they had to do this are now perished and the only one remaining now resides at Woodford.

At this point in time, we won't see the steam train run every day like they used to, it's not going to happen, however I think what we can now hope for at best is weekend and peak running services.

It is also worth noting that upon closer inspection, the Diesel replacement hasn't aged very well, you just need to compare photos from when it was new to how it looks now. 

1 hour ago, pushbutton said:

Also I'd rather have a diesel train running till 5pm than a steam train but only till 4pm.

You are welcome to your own opinion, but I disagree. I'd rather see a steamer operating for shorter operational hours than a diesel running for 2 extra hours, it's about the experience and authenticity. Judging by the amount of attention this has caused, it sure sounds like the experience and authenticity is something people care about.

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I'm not a train enthusiast in the slightest, and I haven't even ridden the DW train since I was about 10 years old, but what is the fascination with the old steam engine?

Is it just a matter of having something classic and relatively authentic in the park? Or does it actually provide a different experience?

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15 minutes ago, reanimated35 said:

You just don't get the same feeling riding on a diesel/electric train that you do from an old steam train. 

It's all about the sounds, smell and soot. Plus it's something different. 

Take a ride on this and compare it to your normal Citytrain ride.

Yeah, I get it now.

Personally, I don't think the Citytrain is really comparable, but I completely understand your point. From my understanding, it would almost be like if WWF or Pirates of the Carribean didn't have weird indoor chlorine smell. That, to me, is a part of the whole experience and causes memories of some park visits to come flooding back to mind.

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4 hours ago, reanimated35 said:

You just don't get the same feeling riding on a diesel/electric train that you do from an old steam train. 

It's all about the sounds, smell and soot. Plus it's something different. 

Take a ride on this and compare it to your normal Citytrain ride.

Yes Agree.   I am a steam train fanatic.  These loco are living beauty and beast in one,  And amazing machines in their own way,  using fire and water to move thousands of tonnes.   

They do need special/qualified people to operate them as they are an engine under extreme pressure and can be dangerous if you have no idea what your doing.   And only one operator in dreamworld can do this.   

Just one small note for those interested, the dreamworld loco doesn't burning coal so no soot,   Which is good in a theme park as guests don't like soot in their clothes, hair and eyes.   They burn gas which makes them easier to fire and turning a knob for more heat to boil water/ more pressure is easier than shovelling coal.   Also better for the environment for the greenies.

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