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DC Rivals HyperCoaster Announcement

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In response to the possible push back to October (if no soft open occurs): I suspect that we're having a delay of sorts on track pieces. Supports seem to be plentiful, but after the twist under the stengel dive, there was a lull, then after the helix there was a lull. The non-inverting loop pieces have been on site for yonks, and it seems to me that when a container of track pieces other than the loop arrives, it's almost immediately put up (finishing the inclined dive loop for example).


I don't see how the bunny hops in the final quarter of the ride couldn't go in if they were here, as opposed to being installed after the dive/airtime.


The delay is unlikely to be at Mack's end, going by the lead times mentioned many pages ago. Must be track pieces taking longer on the seas or in to port somewhere...

Edited by Glubbo
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^ or customs are not happy with something. Keep in mind there is wooden crates and wood pieces between tracks and supports. Maybe some of the contianers have wood that customs does not like. (Just an idea if in fact there is a hold up) or it could be the other way around they are ahead of schedule meaning the track is not coming quick enough for the speed there installing track.

Edited by Tim Dasco
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I've been following all the coaster updates for a while now, thought it was time to maybe return to the forum after years and join in the fun.

I honestly can't get past the name of this coaster. Visiting parks overseas and seeing all the types of coasters emerging, it seems like Australia is the only ones being totally literal with this. The fact that the word "Megacoaster" is in the name frustrates me a bit. It's like MW have to explain to people what the thing is. "DC Rivals" doesn't even feel like a name, it feels moreso like an explanation of the theming....

I would have gone with something towards JOKER also...

Edited by HussRainbow87
bad grammar
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18 hours ago, Glubbo said:

In response to the possible push back to October (if no soft open occurs): I suspect that we're having a delay of sorts on track pieces.

I don't think it's a secret that the construction process is directly tied to logistics. New track/supports arrive, there's a hive of activity for a little while and then things slow down until more parts arrive. It's also worthwhile to note that it's perfectly plausible that they built flexibility and extra time into the construction schedule anticipating shipping delays.

Testing is due to commence in August; this was said in the same breath as the October opening date. That seems to indicate that things are still well on track and this isn't a delay so much as a strategic decision. October makes sense as an official date because it can be tied in with Fright Nights, a teen/adult oriented event rather than the school holidays. But you'd expect that a soft open ("technical rehearsal") takes place in the weeks leading up to Fright Nights if everything goes according to plan during August testing.

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It's going to be a busy time for the coaster right up until end of the summer holidays, it will be interesting to see where they go next. I know that management from MW, came and had a look at THE BEAST (KMG XXL) when it debuted at Melbourne Show and they couldn't believe how incredible it was, and that for a travelling model, it was soo solid. 

It would be cool to see a park version of the ride at MW, seeing as that Intamin's Claw does absolutely nothing for me, whereas The Beast gives a far more thrilling ride.

I just can't wait to see this coaster do its first test run!

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@mission  Imagine trying to get a ride on the rearward facing seats during Fright Night. 

I wonder what happens if my friend @Reanimated35 and I go on an outing together and both purchase a Fast Pass and want to ride Rivals backwards together.  Do we wait in line to ride backwards or when we Fast Pass to the front we tell the attendant we want to ride backwards and go in front of the backward riding queue? 

Picture this:  You line up in the queue to ride backwards and your turn continuously gets pushed back because all the Fast Pass riders want to ride backwards.

Now picture this:  You buy a Fast Pass but when you get to Rivals you find out you have to line up with everybody else if you want to ride backwards.



2nd question:

Why does the animation/video train show 22 seats then the station is setup for 24 seats?



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1 hour ago, Richard said:

I don't think it's a secret that the construction process is directly tied to logistics. etc

Shipping out of Europe has been becoming progressively worse since around November last year (Not sure if this is related to the Hanjin collapse) but they are currently monitoring the amount of Blank Sailings in the region. Delays have been up to and beyond 8 weeks as containers sit on the ports in some instances.

Edited by Demes
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20 minutes ago, Reanimated35 said:

I'd hope that both trains run the backwards seats? 

So we have 4 queues: fastpass, backwards, single rider, normal? Or 2x Normal and no single rider? 

I wouldn't expect fastpass to be valid for backwards seats, unless it's at an upcharge. 

An upcharge on an upcharge?

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