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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/11/12 in all areas

  1. But I cant think of a single example of a Government funded park that has done well in the long term. HKDL is still losing money as far as I know. How much of a revenue stream...Our parks make money, but not that much overall in the end. I mean Ardent makes $20-$30 million per year. Roughly equivalent to what the speed camera at Loganholme on the M1 pulls in annually....And the camera didn't cost a billion dollars to build, nor subject to the whims of the economy. I mean WnW Sydney has gotten off the ground without additional funding as far as I know, and looks set to be an excellent product, and that's the way it should be. I just see theme parks as too trivial for Governments to be getting involved with...Stick to schools, hospitals, road/rail, emergency services etc please.
    1 point
  2. Disney would never build a watered down park to fit our budget. DCA was bad enough and even that was far beyond a budget an Aussie park could build. They just can't afford to tarnish their brand with a half assed effort.
    1 point
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