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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/05/15 in all areas

  1. I'd be hopeful for MW to get a nice family ride of the same calibre of Scooby Doo. Something that draws crowds from all ages.
    1 point
  2. Basically they are going out of their way to make it as vague as possible. I assume by 'new' passholders they mean passholders who renew and as such have a new pass for 2015/16, who aren't really new passholders by any reasonable definition. The plan I expect will be to offer an event pass addon for ~$50, and they have some clever strategy that involves withholding this fact to drive sales at the $75 renewal price and only mention the event tickets closer to Halloween. Because consumers love to be withheld information and charged more later...
    1 point
  3. The GC bulletin also claims the ride stopped just before one of the loops. I'm sorry but did I miss some loops when I rode The Storm on opening weekend, or did they add those recently!??!
    1 point
  4. Yeah, my thoughts as well... with all due respect Andrewh, please lay off with all the negativity Yes, we are all very aware that you trespassed into Eureka and got a first hand look at the ride, but geez, that doesn't automatically mean that you now know everything about it and what Dreamworld intends to do with it. Yes, the ride needs a lot of work. We already knew that before you posted photos. Friendly conversations with Dreamworld staff members can be very informative sometimes (and less intrusive than jumping fences into restricted areas) and can sometimes give insight into goings on with the park, including with the present state of rides and attractions. But unless you've had first hand discussions with the manager and/or the park CEO about the park's future, then you know just about as much as the rest of us. So feel free to speculate, but that's all you can really do as well
    1 point
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