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New for Movie World in 2011


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With so much focus and speculation on what DW are cooking up for their 30th, here's a new topic on what MW may have in store for their 20th year. I have absolutely no doubt we will see a major attraction/ride open by year's end and with all odds tipping the location to occupy the LTRR site, a family friendly ride/attraction would surely be a logical contender.... but what sort of ride?? We have grown accustomed to MW delivering high quality attractions that historically have well exceeded the bench mark of Australian Theme Park capital expenditure. Looking back over the past 20 years we have been treated to cutting edge technology, themeing and thrills that have set an International standard for other Aussie Parks to follow. If history has anything to go by surely we can look forward to more of the same? My only greatest fear is that in recent years - and since MW's last major new ride, a shift in the target demographic (vip pass holders) has perhaps altered course toward more upcharge and less wow factor that the place has become so well known for. I know many members of this site are MW and VTP cast members and I appreciate that you have confidentiality agreements etc. Being an ex MW veteran myself, I can safely say this never used to be the case. Back in the day we would openly and proudly discuss the blue sky plans with guests, often showing artwork of proposed attractions to gain opinion for surveys etc. I can somewhat understand the principals behind the need to change. Sadly our world today has become so much more political and complicated So until something more official is announced, (god knows when!!), people like myself will carry on speculating.. As history has shown MW can and does produce great things. If a 7 million dollar ride down the road is getting people excited, I am sure there are bigger and better things to come Over to you, what would you like to see MW building next?

Edited by MickeyD
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Another thing, I haven't bothered checking this anywhere else, but according to Wikipedia its Sea Worlds 40th birthday and next year it will be 40 years since they've traded under the name Sea World... so does this mean we could see them getting something as well?? Just checked the MyFun website it is 40 years since they've been at their current location and 39 years since they've operated under the Sea World name and their history page at the beggining still says the Ski Show exists.

Edited by Original
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Sea World opened in March 71 as 'Ski Land'. The name changed to Sea World in October of 71, so no matter which way you look at it, the current site has been in operation for 40 years. Speaking of milestone years, Movie World's 20th 8irthday is on June 3rd. So if they start planning now they can do a nighttime parade for Movie World's 40th in the middle of the year.

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Sea World opened in March 71 as 'Ski Land'. The name changed to Sea World in October of 71, so no matter which way you look at it, the current site has been in operation for 40 years. Speaking of milestone years, Movie World's 20th 8irthday is on June 3rd. So if they start planning now they can do a nighttime parade for Movie World's 40th in the middle of the year.
You mean sea worlds 40th right? I hope they build a decent water ride in replace of ltrr
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Nah, I meant do a winter parde for Movie World's 20th like they did with DC's 75th last year..
That'd be nice. I can picture the song "Hooray for Hollywood" arranged as "Hooray for Movieworld" and leading the Parade with Bugs sporting a tux with tails, a swinging cane, surrounded by Paparazzi & followed by an entourage of floats, Dancers, Glitter bombs and light.. the whole shi-bang! Edited by MickeyD
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Im not sure if Movie World has the space to do anything wild, I reckon they should really be exploring that expansion idea so they can develop. I feel that Dreamworld isn't a competitor in terms of attractions and market share and wouldn't take much for Village to take over Dreamworld. Village is at the level where they will get more competition from Asia especially with Jetstar basing there operations in Singapore, plus the airline competition between Australia and Asia is only going to get better for consumers. So this will mean cheaper services to China who are just booming with new parks and attractions. Plus other Asian destinations.

Edited by stdragon03
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That'd be nice. I can picture the song "Hooray for Hollywood" arranged as "Hooray for Movieworld" and leading the Parade with Bugs sporting a tux with tails, a swinging cane, surrounded by Paparazzi & followed by an entourage of floats, Dancers, Glitter bombs and light.. the whole shi-bang!
like the poster that they used to sell thats sitting in my cupboard?
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My theory is that they will launch what ever they are going to turn Looney Tunes River Ride into. That will be their new major attraction for 2011. The building is there so all they have to do is put something in it and promote it as a 'new attraction'. I can't see anything being built from scratch there this year.

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Just touching on the confidentiality thing... I'm pretty sure our aussie parks have always been mega secretive on new rides. Not even announcing once construction has started. So thats nothing new being quiet. Funnily enough the best launch campaign I've know for a ride was from Wonderland which had the same CEO that movieworld now has, so there you go.

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Both Batman & Lethal Weapon were launched and promoted prior to ground breaking through pretty widespread mediums like then high rating TV shows such as Hey Hey and it was part of the Studio Tour script that we would talk about the aforementioned attractions as well as the Wild West ride.. Some time prior to Lethal, Wild West and the Looney Tunes Village kids rides ground breaking, artwork was shared with guests (to gain opinion) that interestingly featured a Superman suspended rollercoaster (later becoming Lethal), Looney tunes kids area and a Neverending story rapids ride like the one originally opened with MW Germany (later evolving into Wild West). Being quiet about plans is relatively new at least beyond 2000 anyway

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