I mean - he seriously thought it would be ok to pull a feather out of the Emu for his little brother... and when it attacked him for trying, he's complaining?
That would be like undoing your harness in the middle of a ride, falling out, getting the crap smashed out of you, and then telling dreamworld they should remove the ride because of his own stupidity... (although if you can undo your harness, something probably SHOULD be done about it).
What does he expect dreamworld to say in response... "Yeah sure - it's totally ok to pluck feathers out of our birds... everyone does it! Last week - we had a busload of asian tourists - and they all took one! It's fine really - doesn't hurt the bird at all - and when they get bald, we just swap it out with another one we've got out the back... it only takes a week for the bird to regrow it's entire plumage!!! We have an endless supply! We're really sorry about your wrist by the way - here, have 5 tickets to next week's eviction show!"