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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/09/18 in all areas

  1. And following from @Skeeta point, I am that member
    4 points
  2. "The infamous Bushrangers are set to wreak havoc on the Dreamworld Express once again – bringing back an iconic Dreamworld experience for school holidays". Suggest you only have 2 weeks to see it but with the positive Facebook reaction DW need to run the show for a good 6 months to see if it's worth keeping it.
    2 points
  3. HahAha @GazzaTell Village that. MW & SW have taken the fun out of all shows. HWSD2 = Not fun. Jet Stunt Show = Not Fun. Seal Guardian = Not Fun. I would say edumacationa is village angle and it sucks a big lemon.
    2 points
  4. That was a bloody brilliant show. So simple, well written and funny. Great job DW, this is the kind of stuff we want to see
    2 points
  5. Well. Its unfortunate that a view of mine that was aired in another forum was posted here but it is what it is. Your posting, is as always, fairly thorough , in explaining your view. Its one perception and an interpretation from what you posted but that's not where it ends. However , for mine, and of course for the management and owners Luna Park Sydney, there is another , differing viewpoint. Luna Park has operated since 1935 and during all that time (apart from the time the Park was closed in the 1980’s and 90’s); rides have been brought in, moved around and taken away. In 1990 the first Plan of Management, after extensive public consultation, confirmed Luna Park should continue as an amusement park. A number of development approvals were granted by North Sydney Council in the early 1990’s including the ability to bring rides in from time to time. In 1996 after the Park closed, a new Plan of Management was finalised in 1998 after extensive public consultation. Once again it confirmed the site should remain as a viable amusement park. In early 2000 a number of staged development approvals were granted, covering noise, light, hours of operation and ability to introduce new rides, move rides around and remove rides, excluding heritage rides The recent court decision found that approval had been granted to deal with rides but due to poor drafting further development approval is still required every time a ride (including even inflatables!) are brought into the Park. This was not what the operators of the Park nor the original Development Approvals granted in 2000 had been agreed upon. The problem lies in the current interpretation of the Development Approvals covering the ability to bring in new rides. Luna Park understands that any new ride must comply with the rules and restrictions set out in the 2000 Development Approvals, and have strictly adhered to this as stated in their accords. However, the the poor drafting and ambiguous text of the last Development Approvals has led to the issue we currently have and the differing interpretations ( right or wrong). Luna Park certainly has history showing that they can introduce new rides into the park, or move them around, without the need for a Development application in each case. Case in point is every seasonal ride that is erected and brought into the park for up to 6-8 weeks of the year since the 2004 reopening. Now I am not a lawyer, and neither are you, so we can all have our viewpoints on this same situation. However , until a definitive ruling is handed down, it just becomes a matter of clarification. One thing that I can definitively say is incorrect is your analysis that the park are free to install whatever they want. The historic rides and their locations are protected and are unable to be touched in the manner that you intimate. The park operators run the park on the knowledge that these attractions must be maintained to a set high standard and they cannot be removed or displaced in any way. The park also will not build anything that is out of character with the rest of the park. Every ride they install must fit into their overall vision of what the park stands for. Examples of this are the latest improvements to the Rotor, the awesome 3D facades under the Wild Mouse ( as pictured above) and the refurbishment of the Light House Cafe into the brilliant looking Helter Skelter Tower. Yes the park is in dire need of new rides and attractions but they also know that they have very finicky and troublesome neighbours to deal with. Sadly the days of large coasters coming to LPS ( as much as I would love to see one) are a dead dream. Plus this also goes against the DA's that were set down as mentioned above, as a ride of this nature would operate outside of the operating park envelope as set out in the conditions. This is the reason that the Hair Raiser is as tall as it is- LPS know and understand that while they have the ability to introduce new rides and attractions, they also understand they need to be reasonable neighbours to the nearby residents and NOT install anything that would be considered controversial. So the fear of LPS installing a Tower of Terror ride with a huge Giant Drop are definitely unfounded. LPS are campaigning to the state government to review this decision. Until then, this has delayed the $20 million ride investment as announced in March 2017. Luna Park certainly has strong support from the public on this issue ( a petition of over 5,000 signatures is being readied to present to the state govt) and on their recent tours, Pink and Katy Perry offered messages of support for the park, eliciting their love and fondness for the "place with the big face" across the harbour. A Sydney poll conducted for the park by YouGov Galaxy showed 85 per cent of those surveyed think it's important for the park to continue to operate viably. A further 89 per cent supported the previous planning laws and 63 per cent thought the new rules are "unfair". Of course , this is only public support and nothing is legally binding, but it is encouraging to see that generally , the park is seen in a positive light by the people of Sydney. I am sure this setback will sort itself out, and one way or another, the park will continue to grow and to thrive. Its just my opinion, that this is a setback the park does not really need. I am sure they will over come this latest challenge.
    2 points
  6. Would assume Mickey is referring to the reduced mon-Friday operating hours
    1 point
  7. Acording to Dreamworld’s maintenance page Buzzsaw has reopened?
    1 point
  8. Out the back of west somewhere maybe.
    1 point
  9. Calypso has reopened as scheduled however surfrider is facing a 3.5 month delay! New reopening date is start of January 2019!!! This is the first time Surfrider has not had a September reopening. Does anyone know if the paint is still stripped from the attraction?
    1 point
  10. Ok, getting off topic now. I think these are the “blockers” @joel was talking about - the yellow things at the end of the tunnel.
    1 point
  11. And the thing is, it's so easy to pull off more like this. They set up a basic camping ground for the ranges which would have been thrown together with stuff lying around, than they have a couple of actors and the show takes place at a train station. Bare minimum cost show but excellent result.
    1 point
  12. The tent is just where the bushrangers are camping out waiting for the train to arrive at the station to hold it up.
    1 point
  13. I noticed last Wednesday the hot dog from Ocean Parade was in Blue Lagoon which might be the new bone yard since the old Thunderbolt site was being cleared.
    1 point
  14. Forgot to mention Buzzsaw was testing with a double circuit
    1 point
  15. "The Peeler" VR is now listed online for purchase at $10
    1 point
  16. The movie wasn't that good. The scares were weak. Next year they should do a Dead By Daylight maze or precient.
    1 point
  17. I also like to play a game called 'nappy roulette'. Do you want to go digging through a couple of "apparently used" nappies in the nappy bag, in the hope that one contains a wallet, and not a god awful stench? Sometimes the gun has a bullet, sometimes it doesn't - you wanna risk it? As for the trust factor, it is possible i suppose for thieves to watch a group leave their belongings and head out of sight. The catch is whether anyone comes back. I can instantly spot where my stuff is from across the other side of the pool, so as soon as it comes into view, I can tell if anyone is near it. You'd need eyes in the back of your head to make sure i wasn't coming - and there aren't many exits from a theme park if you get caught. If theft of personal belongings was a REAL big issue in the waterparks, don't you think we'd see heaps more signs from the park 'do not leave valuables unattended in every damn direction to try and appease those who would hold them liable? I'm sure the odd pickpocket does the rounds, but you have to be a bit stupid to try it in a waterpark as a general rule.
    1 point
  18. Yeah awesome lineup I reckon. Is the Deluxe Sizzler one of those new style PWS Sizzler rides from the UK? Or has it been in the country for a while?
    1 point
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