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the Seaworld VQ says Leviathan is a 5 minute wait. Is that accurate or is it looking like hours to ride it?


17 minutes ago, Vidgamer said:

the Seaworld VQ says Leviathan is a 5 minute wait. Is that accurate or is it looking like hours to ride it?

Hours, and there’s no single rider queue


17 minutes ago, Vidgamer said:

the Seaworld VQ says Leviathan is a 5 minute wait. Is that accurate or is it looking like hours to ride it?

If it says 5mins it’s either just a glitch or no one’s realised that virtual queue would be on today and will be a free fast pass essentially.

Also, the like currently stretches out into the plaza, so good luck everyone there.


16 minutes ago, Tricoart said:

no single rider queue

As in it doesn't exist or they're not operating it?


12 minutes ago, Rivals said:

If it says 5mins it’s either just a glitch or no one’s realised that virtual queue would be on today and will be a free fast pass essentially.

Also, the like currently stretches out into the plaza, so good luck everyone there.

Yeah it’s about a 3hr wait 

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First off, the theming is very good. I knew they had put in some effort but it was really impressive, especially in the station. The line in the middle of the station is a nice touch but it can get quite loud with the train circling around. Probably will get louder as time goes on I imagine but it offers some great views of the track.

The ride itself is very fun, first drop doesn't look too impressive but it's a strong element and in the back offers a good amount of floater. The interaction with the structure is great and there's a lot of small airtime pops and double downs that keep it fun throughout. Did notice a bit of a pot hole in the middle when the track reaches its lowest point but otherwise it's reasonable smooth for a woody. Probably won't get another ride as the ops are slow as they learn the ropes, they are running two trains but we were sat on the break run for a few minutes.

It's great to have wood coaster in Australia again.

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Just came off. Loved it! Felt a little slow though so looking forward to trying it later as it warms up.

The theming in the station was terrific and gives me high hopes for Wizard of Oz. I'd go as far as saying it was world class. Have to be careful that it doesn't fall into disrepair like Scooby. One borked screen would ruin it.

Edit: There is a test seat. It's to the left right as you enter the main queue. 

Edited by Ogre
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7 minutes ago, New display name said:

Thank you @Tricoartcan you tell us what happens with your loose items?

There’s some bins on the other side of the station, you just chuck ‘em in there and pick them up once you get off. They’re at the bottom of this photo, near the news guy’s legs.3B4E829D-6433-4EE5-B48E-43BAE6488016.thumb.jpeg.a8e12935a438ef26370e077872746de3.jpeg

7 minutes ago, Ogre said:

There is a test seat. It's to the left right as you enter the main queue. 

Oh nice, I must’ve missed it in the panic. I’ll queue again and see if I can grab a photo

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28 minutes ago, Tricoart said:

You enter through the sliding door

Are we talking a glass door like Sea Jellies and the penguins or a themed one like Diagon Alley in the movies?


Also those walls should really have something done with them. Really annoys me how parks never complete the experience by theming your way out.

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3 minutes ago, jjuttp said:

Are we talking a glass door like Sea Jellies and the penguins or a themed one like Diagon Alley in the movies?


Also those walls should really have something done with them. Really annoys me how parks never complete the experience by theming your way out.

Sea Jellies, you can see ‘em in the photo with the red scribble (reflective on one side, black on other).

Oh, also Dockside’s reopen.


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The photos and videos I've seen from today have me so jealous! I saw in a facebook comment that staff had said Trident still needs more test runs but has been hampered by the wind/storms recently. It's a shame but you can't fight nature. At least Leviathan didn't need to share any of its spotlight 

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The ride was down for most of the afternoon, but finally got back up and running around 5pm. The staff said they'd make sure everyone in the (long) queue would all get a ride, which was great to see.

I got a back row ride this time (rode on the middle row before) and the experience was significantly better. Very, very fun. I didn't really notice the airtime before, but this time I did!

Can't wait to ride it at night at Carnivale. That thing is likely going to haul like crazy at the end of a hot day!

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I got on a couple times yesterday. 

I will say - Wow. I'm so happy we finally have a decent woody down under and they've done a great job with most elements of the experience (those exit walls though).

The station experience is really cool, I do wish there was more time to experience it as I feel a lot of the detail is lost due to the rush to get loaded while the second train bakes in the brake run. 

The opening day crew were struggling at the beginning, but by the afternoon (even with all the wind stoppages) they had hit their stride and found the right rhythm. 

My personal opinion - Backwards seats aren't worth it. You can't see the headchoppers, and the airtime elements aren't the same facing backwards. the thrill of a woodie is seeing all the nearmisses and going backwards I just felt like a ragdoll.

Out of the three gimmick seats we have on the GC, i'd rank them Taipan first, Rivals second, Levi third.

I want to discuss the show without giving too much in the way of spoilers. I also want to be clear that this is just my thoughts on what i'd prefer, and I have absolutely no direct knowledge of whether this is the case \ whether my suggestion is possible and\or how hard it would be to do - call it a wishlist item? I got the impression that dispatch wasn't possible until the show scene completed, and I think this is going to hurt in peak times. I like the idea of a loop of interaction scenes that repeat (but have more scenes than necessary for the time you'd spend on station) and then a method for ops to skip to the last scene on dispatch - so the show tailors to the Ops tempo, rather than Ops tempo being limited to the show.

I think the speed of Ops would be greatly improved if they could have a second group on the station while the first group is being loaded, and I feel like the above is what you'd need to do so as not to ruin 'show'.

Not seeing the loading procedure before you get there has always been a way to cause delays in load - as there is no monkey-see monkey-do. 

This isn't a criticism of the show as-implemented. Those elements are fantastically done - I just felt it could have been done differently to improve ops. Hopefully at a park like Sea World after the initial hubbub dies down, it won't impact nearly as much.

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