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Bermuda Triangle

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The flame systems have been temporarily disabled. They have been quickly replaced with neon tubing I believe. I think it is disgraceful, removing the key element to the Bermuda Triangle. I think it is to keep costs down on gasses and what ever systems and methods they use. -Spencer

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This is what pisses me off about the whole situation though, it wasn't all that long ago that Bermuda Triangle was the best ride in Australia, from Story, Design, consistency and Theming the ride was almost perfect and certainly a Disney Quality ride, until of course some smart arse fucked around with it and ruined the best ride in Australia. There's no excuse for it being in such a poor state, Wild West Falls is a different story, it was ruined by the fire up there, and as a recourse there may have been some sort of conditions or higher premium price for the Insurance of said attraction, hence the removal of the effects simply because it wasn't worth the extra costs (in their eyes anyway). But no, there is NO excuse for Bermuda Triangle being in the current state that it is in, and whoever thinks it's ok for it to be in the state that it currently is in needs to get their head checked.

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If by temporarily disabled you mean all that is requred is an entirely new gas pipeline run from behind Sea Viper to Bermuda underneath Jet Recue to get it 'enabled' again then yes the fire is temprarily disabled. The fire is gone, the gas supply to the system is gone, it will never return. There was no problem with a 'sensor not turning off' or any accident like that, Ride Ops spin such bullshit it's not funny. It's nothing more than not wanting to spend the money to fix a damaged pipe, thats it. However there are more than just minor touch up jobs wrong with the ride these days, there are whole chunks of theming just wasting away, so who even knows how salvagable this ride is.

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correctamundo Gav - The 'dumbing' down of the WWF finale had nothing to do with fire safety and everything to do with budget and suitable re-allocation of funds. The 'sparker' units were a prototype design exclusive to Wild West at the time and they rarely ever worked properly! From memory, there was a total of 5 sparkers on the final assent and drop room. If on the 1 in 50 chance they were all working at the start of the day, you could bet at least 2 of them would fault out by the end of it! A total nightmare for the tech services department and not in the slightest bit suprising that they dissapeared alltogether in the long run. I certainly share the sentiment and dissapointment of others regarding the cheapening of the presentation of older attractions in all of our Parks. I dunno about you guys but when I vist a Theme Park, I like my experience to be great right through my day -not just for certain aspects and most notably, only the newer and headline attractions? It's a shame we don't value the principles of Universal & Disney but once again, I guess it all comes down to suitable and realistic allocation of funds

Edited by MickeyD
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I sent an email to guest services asking about the worklights being on in Bermuda, the response was hilarious stating than a special effect was broken that day so the lights were required for safety reasons so the control room could see what was going on. This completely contradicts reports that the work lights are now on every day! Also if you go to a Disney park, if a special effect that is required for the ride to function is broken, they FIX IT, not run the ride anyway. If we have to destroy the ride to have it open, don't open it until it's fixed. Guests should never get to experience "backstage the ride" in my opinion.

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Also if you go to a Disney park, if a special effect that is required for the ride to function is broken, they FIX IT, not run the ride anyway. If we have to destroy the ride to have it open, don't open it until it's fixed. Guests should never get to experience "backstage the ride" in my opinion.
On that note, take a look at this POV on Expedition Everest where the windows menu pops up during the bit where the yeti pulls the track apart. DISNEY FAIL! :P
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Thing is that rides and effects will break or glitch from time to time. It would be nice to think everything will work 100% all the time, but really, the effects are being triggered 100s of times a day, day in day out. So things break, I don't have any problem with that, so long as they get fixed as soon as it's practically possible. The problem is that things aren't being fixed for weeks / months / years at a time. We're now at the point that everything has been put off by 'management' (Given the apparent lack of direction or indeed, competence, I sadly must use the term management loosely) for so long that to get Bermuda back to even a reasonable level will cost some serious money. Money I think they've put off spending for too long. The other thing that I'm sure goes through the mind of the guests and is well worth asking is 'if they are willing to save money by not maintaining the stuff the guests can see, then what is there to suggest that the stuff guests can't see is being maintained?' I mean the track record of doing things that cost money but benefit the park in the past year and a bit is pretty much non-existent. We know they wouldn't spend money on fixing Pirate Ship once it needed it, and to justify fixing Corkscrew they gave it a new name and marketed it like it were a new ride. The company didn't want to invest a relatively small amount of money to rework the resort water park entrance and fix a few meters of track so the train was permanently closed. Renting a 4D movie and washing glasses at MW too expensive? Easy, just put a home made doco in the theater, and hey, if that ski show is too expensive why not just put some cheap diving show in? And while we're at it, we've got 3 Monorails, but buggered if we're using more then one unless it's super busy. With what a poor state the place is in it's no wonder the Official SW facebook group has less members then the Bring Back the Seaworld Ski Team group. With any luck someone at SW shows some leadership and decides money must be spent to fix the place, and Bermuda is the place to start.

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Just watched the youtube pov on the Bermuda. Those neon tubes are even worse than I imagined! Just a random clump of neon. There is surely so much else they could do that would be better than that. Also, I couldn't tell if the big burst of smoke was still there as the boat goes down the last drop and exits the volcano. It would be absolutely ridiculous if that was gone too

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Just watched the youtube pov on the Bermuda. Those neon tubes are even worse than I imagined! Just a random clump of neon. There is surely so much else they could do that would be better than that. Also, I couldn't tell if the big burst of smoke was still there as the boat goes down the last drop and exits the volcano. It would be absolutely ridiculous if that was gone too
I was at Seaworld last March. The Bermuda Triangle was indeed just a shadow of what it was when I visited when we first went. And yes, the burst of smoke at the last drop was indeed gone.
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^ The fire and the Steam both work off the gas, so no gas = no fire or steam.
Disgraceful. I always thought the steam was water vaper based or something similar. I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with the gas. It used to be warm but it had no smell from what I remember. Either way how very disappointing. It was a great feeling bursting through the steam out into the open
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  • 1 month later...

Hey Went on the Bermuda Triangle today, they got the sounds back on the boats i was happy cuz it worked through out the ride , there was a scary bit the bit where you go backwards it is pitch black and water comes flying from the side, that was great! last time the light were on and i could see but yer i think it would of been better with fire :D. Btw there wasnt any smoke/mist wasnt happy. Cheers

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I was there on Tuesday, and on a the 3 rides we had on it, there was no audio on the boats. These were all on seperate boats also, so I am suprised to hear that the audio was functioning for you. I can forgive the pre-show not being done the way it was, I can also forgive the lack of character in the Cast Members, what was not forgivable was no audio on the boats, the numerous effects/ screens and lighting not functioning and the replacment for the fire. For the record, the fire was a great asset to the ride, however I don't care if it's gone really, as great as it was. It's replacment is what really gets me. Talking about Steam, Jet Rescue's steam effects are currently not in operation, neither are Superman's.

Edited by T-bone
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