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Possible reason Eureka Mountain is still closed

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I think that a possible cause that EMMR is still closed is because asbestos is in the material of the structure of the mountain. Im not completley sure. But i saw this website where a park employee told this person that that was the case

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I think it's still closed because the track has fallen into complete and total disrepair. /thread

I don't know, it may be possible. But wouldn't they have been made to remove it due to health and safety? Or has it remained untouched because they don't want to make it airborne?

Edited by alex_1
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They wouldn't close that section because of Buzzsaw being there. I think they should internally remove as much of the asbestos as possible, at the same time as giving River Rapids a spit and polish(having an excuse for that to be closed as well). Demolishing it would mean Buzzsaw would be closed as well as the River Rapids, So probably they'd have to hold that off for sometime. Perhaps if they ever decided to do a full "Gold Rush" refurbishment/redevelopment, it could be done. Could it be accessed from the rear(across the rapids)?

Edited by colliric_855
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They can demolish the whole Eureka Mountain off peak. I'm sure guests will understand why the Rapid Ride / Buzzsaw is closed. They can offer lower entry prices or keep more ride open longer during the demolition (off peak). Once it's gone they can create a new larger mountain that can accommodate a simular ride that looks almost the same as the old mountain. Bigger space = a bigger, better ride experience.

Edited by Gary86
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I'm not very knowledgeable about the whole asbestos removal procedure but would the area surrounding the mountain be considered safe while the removal is going on? If not then Buzzsaw would definitely be closed off, even if there was a separate access area.

But if its still considered safe then I agree with Jobe, they could find a way to make Buzzsaw accessible.

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They can demolish the whole Eureka Mountain off peak. I'm sure guests will understand why the Rapid Ride / Buzzsaw is closed. They can offer lower entry prices or keep more ride open longer during the demolition (off peak). Once it's gone they can create a new larger mountain that can accommodate a simular ride that looks almost the same as the old mountain. Bigger space = a bigger, better ride experience.

Some guests wouldn't understand, they'd just complain.

Even if there's a perfect reason someone can't get their coca cola from McDonald's, someone will still complain about it...

And this is why I have never worked in food service.

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Some guests wouldn't understand, they'd just complain. Even if there's a perfect reason someone can't get their coca cola from McDonald's, someone will still complain about it... And this is why I have never worked in food service.

Problem is these days, there's never a good reason for no Coke to be available. You have two dang machines(at a traditional Diner-sized McDonald's). One in the Drive through, and one behind counter! I actually had to explain that concept once to Management at Maccas... They just couldn't grasp a simple concept: Two machines means you can leave one on while cleaning the other, NOT SWITCH BOTH OFF AT THE SAME TIME! That goes for Coffee too... You have 3 to 4 coffee machines at a normal diner-type McDonald's(Drive-in, Counter and if they're both down, McCafe has 1 or 2). The only acceptable reason is if ALL machines have their power knocked out, or the suppliers have fucked up delivery. "We're cleaning the machines" is not acceptable for a Diner McDonald's. Edited by colliric_855
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They may have two coke postmix machines, but what if they were doing something that affects all units at once at the back end that prevents both being used at once? It can happen.

Having worked at maccas for 4 years before this can happen if they have an issue with the co2 tanks, an issue with the water pumps, all the syrup boxes are empty (takes 2-3min to replace) or if both machines have had a fault at the same time (unlikely but it is technology)

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We are seriously discussing not being able to get coke at maccas? Who the hell cares, if they don't have coke on ONE visit, get over it fat bastard!

I also don't know why people are still emailing Dreamworld about why Eureka is closed... the ride was too expensive to repair/maintain so they made the decision to close it. It's simply financial. By the same token to remove the mountain is too costly (and this includes whether or not its asbestos) for the return they'd see on that expense so it remains siting there.

There is just NO WAY they would ever put another mine themed ride into that space, it doesn't make any business sense, it won't draw in crowds and DW is about making money, its NOT about nostalgia in any way these days.

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There is just NO WAY they would ever put another mine themed ride into that space, it doesn't make any business sense, it won't draw in crowds and DW is about making money

Why not?

Why would a mine themed ride (coaster) going into the "Goldrush" area not draw any crowds? ANY new ride at any park will draw a crowd. Ideally a ride fitting the theme would work better.

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Because it's a mine ride, where a mine ride was... that's just not how marketing works.

When a park puts in a new attraction the cost has to be offset purely by an increase in revenue as a result of market drive to the park to sample the new attraction.

"Hey we re-opened a new Eureka (but hey its got knew cars and track) some come back down"

has a lot less impact than

"Visit the all new Vertical drop stand up coaster in the new wilderness island area"

Arguably the most famous coaster in the world, Space Mountain didn't draw anything like the crowds than Indiana Jones did wen it re-opened did it? And that's Space Mountain.

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Parks can replace wooden coasters with wooden coasters. Dreamworld could build a new ride with a mine train theme, but of a different type. Imagine a Mystery Mine style Eurofighter, how could that not attract visitors? Just because it shares the same theme?

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I'm not saying it won't. I'm suggesting they can probably attract more guests by spending less money on a car park coaster so that's what they'll do. I don't agree with it, but it's sadly true. I would LOVE to see a highly themed spinning coaster go into that space but u just can't see it as a realistic possibility.

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If you were to do it, it would be a big job. The BuzzSaw already has a ghost story to it, so you'd have to re-theme the rapids ride plus a similar theme to the new (replacement) coaster. Make it a ghost town where the population left because of unexplained happenings many years ago, which explains why it's all still timber-built.

The mountain probably does share common walls with the adjacent buildings, so it could mean closing down Main Street shops to the left of the fountain while they did it. That's a lot of area to close. It could be done, particularly if you employed workers through the night as well as a day shift, but that all involves outlaying large sums of money, which you probably won't ever fully get back. The question as to whether that happens or not comes down to whether the decision makers value having a full, complete, quality product or a collection of rides.

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Whilst I don't agree with their decision to close eureka and keep it SBNO for all these years, I understand the reasoning behind it. I'm not defending their decision at all, but Dreamworld isn't the only park in the world to have SBNO attractions and remnants of the past, some of the best parks in the world have or have had SBNO attractions for extended periods of time (yes including Disney). Yes it's sad that the park didn't see any value in keeping it operating (it's a damn shame really) but at least the park hasn't sat stagnant with no new addition's at all since its closure, and really the best we can do is hope that one day it is torn down with a new thematically correct attraction in it's place.

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Well in their defence, if they did demolish it they'd probably have to either rebuild a rocky facade, (which is mega expensive for zero return) or be left with the exposed wall from the cinema, and neither of those are good options. Even though there's an old ride in there, leaving the mountain makes more sense than getting rid of it. Having said that, I do hope they're looking into that area and are planning on doing something drastic, although truthfully if they gutted the mountain and put a flat ride in there then that'd be good enough at this point.

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