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On 23/05/2016 at 1:42 PM, Theme Park Girl said:

 The person I spoke to mentioned special headsets being introduced as an option soon, I asked if it was the VR ones that they have recently brought out at American parks, she said "that's them". Don't know at this stage if it will be just to Wild West Falls or other rides too (since we were talking about WWF's refurb at the time) but either way they are apparently planned for the park.


Just to further this I posted a couple of weeks back...  Mike Croaker, head of entertainment at Movie World, has just posted a video on Instagram. A video of him trialling a VR headset on his mum. 

Coincidence? ?


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It's been empty for quite a while now. Used to house Taz's Bumper Cars, but that was closed and removed sometime last year (I think?). They did have it temporarily set up as a prayer room since the official one was demolished for DD construction, but that was removed a few weeks ago as well. 

Hopefully they do something new with it now, as @Slick has said, that entire part of WB Kids Zone is fairly unutilised and needs a new attraction or two to fill the void :)

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^So is anything actually open at MW?

On the VR front, I too tried it in the 1990s. I find the latest uses so amazing. I was at the Singapore Science Centre in January and tried some of their demos - pretty basic stuff: simple games and abstract art type things.

The glasses were separate from the headphones. Put the glasses on first and was bamboozled that I couldn't see my hands to put on my headphones.

I think the technology has finally caught up and its uses for entertainment as well as education will be amazing. It might take the first killer app or game for it to really take off, but it will. The danger will be: will we get anytime to do anything else besides our virtual lives?

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6 hours ago, AlexB said:

VR isn't new. It's been around since the 90s. the only difference is the graphics are better, and the devices smaller.

It's certainly got its uses.

In an Architectural setting you can do 360 renderings and show them to decision  makers  who can get a real sense of being inside what you are proposing.

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On 13/06/2016 at 2:45 PM, Theme Park Girl said:

It's been empty for quite a while now. Used to house Taz's Bumper Cars, but that was closed and removed sometime last year (I think?). They did have it temporarily set up as a prayer room since the official one was demolished for DD construction, but that was removed a few weeks ago as well. 

Hopefully they do something new with it now, as @Slick has said, that entire part of WB Kids Zone is fairly unutilised and needs a new attraction or two to fill the void :)

I still thought it was called Looney Tunes Village lol 

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