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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/10/18 in all areas

  1. You mean the exit shop will be going? Then how are we supposed to exit through the gift shop if we need to go all the way up the road to exit the ride properly?
    1 point
  2. I can confirm, in a rare twist of events, everything Skeet just said is true.
    1 point
  3. @Jdude95Is currently having a diarrhea apocalypse but the good news is you can now trust him because he's no longer full of shit. @Jessicajealousynothing new came out today and it will now resume on November 12.
    1 point
  4. Oops. Probably best to go with "if its not on the maintenance page, it's open, unless you were at the park and actually saw it"
    1 point
  5. Yesterday I would say was the most damning day yet. 1) rides should never rely on the operator for safety and 100% it is engineering’s job to ensure there are contingencies in place to ensure operator error doesn’t compromise safety! 2) just so everyone is aware, $10k is a TINY TINY amount for a controls upgrade. I’m dumbfounded how they couldn’t approve that on the spot. Basically this is saying that a life to Dreamworld wasn’t even worth $2500 a piece because that’s all it would have taken to prevent this. 3) the second that this ride was identified to have inadequate safety systems it should have been shut down until they were brought up to scratch. No excuses whatsoever. 4) Scott is a dispicable human being IMO.
    1 point
  6. Funnily enough doesn’t have to be. As a red mushroom button on a yellow background it’s requirement is that it must be an Emergency Stop (fun fact E Stop is the exact same thing Dreamworld) which must kill all energy of a device. That makes Dreamworlds bizarre panel of death all the more baffling.
    1 point
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