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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/10/18 in all areas

  1. Just driven past and it looks so much better painted, and next to the faded horribleness it has become, it shows had bad it really is. Hopefully it continues across all the slides, and they are cleaned up internally
    2 points
  2. Super tubes hydro coaster is having a repaint. Currently the first turn and final tunnle is finished
    2 points
  3. The new parkland is much better for families than the old river... can hire footballs & frisbees from Billabong to play with too...
    2 points
  4. What's really missing though? The opening is claustrophobic and who thinks seeing characters the shows were pretty much always woeful and mazes are pretty much the same. What more the park has always been over sold to shit so regardless of whether or not the event has been better the event has been impossible to enjoy in the past. This is the first year where I wasn't frustrated. This is the first year I felt like I could enjoy the night rather than having to run through the place like a commando with a strict battle plan. MAYBE there was more entertainers in the past? Don't care. This is the first time I've actually enjoyed being at the event. Are there things that could be better? Sure. To me though it's about having a good time. $65 ticket with less of a crush of people is a significantly better deal than $49 but you also need to buy Flash pass to actually enjoy yourself.
    2 points
  5. The “hype man” was the most cringeworthy bloke I’ve ever seen. It was clear that warming a crowd and even public speaking wasn’t his forte. He jumped on the mic over at the maze queue while I was waiting for Leatherface and the rubbish he was saying was terrible.. ”oh, that’s a nice red hat you are wearing... that will be great to hide the blood when we decapitate you...” “what are you doing on your phone? You should text your mum to say goodbye because your going to die in there..” everyone was waiting for him to get off so the music and videos could kick back in
    1 point
  6. That’s great news. Hopefully this continues and all the slides get repainted and cleaned up.
    1 point
  7. Then from VTP’s perspective you are the absolute best type of customer... doesn’t notice glaring inconsistencies, reduced expenditure coupled with increased cost to customers, and still enjoys it just as much. The type of guest who would go to SW tomorrow and say it was just as good as when they visited in 2010, in fact thinks it’s better!
    1 point
  8. No, I'm not joking. I have been to Fright Nights before. I honestly believe this year's fright nights was amazing as have been previous years. Last year's was great and was the year before that and so on and so forth.
    1 point
  9. On the contrary, I think all guests are entitled to be treated better than they currently are.
    1 point
  10. Who said I was joking ? Why not appreciate all the work and effort Movie World went into creating these events ? Stop acting like you're more entitled to special treatment than any other guest.
    1 point
  11. More expensive to get in means shorter queues so better experience but the park still makes it's money. Not sure how that's a bad thing?
    1 point
  12. Yeah, but your books are at a first grade reading level...
    0 points
  13. The band closes out the night I believe.
    0 points
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