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Sea World and Killer Whales

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That was a great SW video. I went in the mid-80s, but don't remember the boat ride? (Not the pirate ship, that was awesome), it's at 42 seconds in the video.

I remember the castle and ball pits too.

And also Grundy's.

That ran as a trip to an "island" up around where the imagine show is now i believe? Like what Disney run.

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  • 2 months later...

About having killer whales at seaworld in Australia..... I have just watched a documentry called " Blackfish" its about seaworld in America and there Killer whales, after watching it I would never want to see it happen in Australia, it should be banned in America as well and Im not a tree hugging greenie, watch the documentry, download it off kickass torrents for free and watch it and make your own minds up....... I think you will be surprised at what you see......

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Honorable sentiments Mal, however - I must raise a few counter-points:

  1. Have the makers of this documentary publicly given approval for their intellectual property to be pirated on a torrent website? (And that being said - should we be condoning illegal behaviour on these forums)
  2. SeaWorld (Australia) have considered (and abandoned) the idea of having Orcas many times, however each time, the matter has been thoroughly reviewed and investigated, and they've decided not to proceed. Many of us feel this is the correct and proper decision for these beautiful animals.
  3. Both in the USA and in Australia, it is not illegal to keep these animals in captivity, subject to certain restrictions and regulations. If any park with the appropriate authority and permission brought the animals in, all the documentaries in the world couldn't stop them.
  4. The documentary filmmakers shot within Sea World in the USA with permission of the park, however the final result was not the product that the permission was granted for. SeaWorld were not given a proper opportunity for rebuttal within the film, from what i recall.

We have discussed Blackfish previously, but do appreciate your contribution. Having just returned from a trip to the USA which included visiting Sea World San Diego, I don't think it is as easy as you say - just to 'ban them'. A very large economic effect would be felt in the region, and no doubt in Orlando also. I realise 'economy' may seem like a very poor excuse, but in reality this is 'only an animal'... and animals don't vote - people out of jobs do.

A better option, if it had the support of those concerned, would be to place a moratorium on the captivity of Orcas. This would include the prevention of breeding (or somehow - invoking sterility) and allowing the captive population to reduce by natural attrition. Keiko proved that it is very difficult to return a captive animal to the wild after being held so long in a tank. But this process is a long one, as succession planning and forward thinking need to be brought in - and of course - if any park holds a pup not long been born - then it will take a long time for them all to disappear.

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What cinemas is it going to be shown at? My guess is wont be shown in Qld. Whilst I don't condone torrents Alex, in fact in very against them, the choice of the filmakers not to have it available in Australia makes it hard. I would love to see the film but at this stage there is no way to legally do so :(

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  • 1 year later...

Cheers AlexB for such a proffessional layout. However. Orcas travell 100s of miles a day and have a brain so advanced we dont even know how to measure it yet. They eat fish (alive) seals and sharks and yet wont touch a dumb ass like you because they can sense the good in us.  Their sonar bounces round those tiny pools making them go nuts. Unless ur prepared to live in a  small box ur whole life u wont understand. 

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Hi Steve.o

welcome to the forum.

we're happy to have people with all opinions here, but probably best not to:

1) drag up a post from 2 years ago, unless something relevant has occurred relating to it.

2) insult a long standing member of the forums

3) make a statements as if they are fact I.E. "They sense the good in us". Umm, no they don't. Whales do not have a barometer of kindness in their brain, nor are they equipped with a dossier on the previous goodwill gestures of its potential meals. Can they tell the difference between a human and a fish? Yes - but so can my 3 month old nephew.

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Cheers AlexB for such a proffessional layout. However. Orcas travell 100s of miles a day and have a brain so advanced we dont even know how to measure it yet. They eat fish (alive) seals and sharks and yet wont touch a dumb ass like you because they can sense the good in us.  Their sonar bounces round those tiny pools making them go nuts. Unless ur prepared to live in a  small box ur whole life u wont understand. 

I don't get it. We go from full words and almost correct grammar to "ur" and "u".  

Hi Steve.o

welcome to the forum.

we're happy to have people with all opinions here, but probably best not to:

1) drag up a post from 2 years ago, unless something relevant has occurred relating to it.

2) insult a long standing member of the forums

3) make a statements as if they are fact I.E. "They sense the good in us". Umm, no they don't. Whales do not have a barometer of kindness in their brain, nor are they equipped with a dossier on the previous goodwill gestures of its potential meals. Can they tell the difference between a human and a fish? Yes - but so can my 3 month old nephew.

I was going to ask who died and made you mod, then I realised the person you were responding to and all was well again. :P

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Welcome steve.o!

Just a friendly heads up to read the guidelines as it will help prevent spelling and grammar Nazis from correcting you in the future.

Back on topic and holy bump Batman! Haven't visited the Sea World page in ages but is complaining about Killer Whales still a thing or has it gone the way of palm oil on the supermarkets page and now moved on to complaining about whatever is now popular to complain about (think it is bigots and Halal)

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