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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride reopening discussion


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I thought it was an interesting ride. I remember riding it muliple times in the afternoon, when boredom started to reach desperation levels at Dreamworld - it kept me a little interested (back in the day I had a holiday package so I had to wait until the bus picked me up).

I'd really like to see a new ride in that style being added.

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Excerpt from latest article

...Reports have even suggested that members of the upper management team at Dreamworld have recently experienced the ride for themselves and given the thumbs up for the project to continue...

When was this suggested may I ask? I might have missed it looking through the pages of this Topic... Surely they couldn't have been through the entire ride unless they have been working at Dreamworld after hours? Either way if it is true then that is awesome!

Edited by BTTF Forever
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Why would they have to be working after hours?

Like most Senior Execs they'd be at work by 7:30-8am on any given day and could have taken a ride well before the park opens.

It's plausible, and that sniff of smoke around this idea is quickly turning into a bonfire, it may actually be happening!

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Like most Senior Execs they'd be at work by 7:30-8am on any given day and could have taken a ride well before the park opens.

Oh right of course... Didn't think of that. However I was also talking about them actually WORKING on the ride to get it into a running state...When were they working? We haven't seen workers go in or come out of there have we?... I mean surely after all these years they can't have just switched on the power and looked away praying it doesn't blow up as they very carefully push the RUN button! Haha


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When was this suggested may I ask? I might have missed it looking through the pages of this Topic...

To my knowledge it hasn't been mentioned in the forums. We routinely receive information outside of the forums, and sometimes that information is worth mentioning in an article. Anyone who has followed Parkz over its history would know that we don't engage in rumours or wild speculation.

You're possibly overestimating what is needed to get this ride functional as a basic proof of concept for management to decide whether it's feasible to press forward with the project or not. As an example (and this is pure speculation), a manual winch to get a car to the top of the lift and a portable air compressor to fire the brakes could be all the work that's required at this early stage.

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Am I correct in saying the reason the ride shut in the first place has never really been clear?

I've heard everything from fire regulations to asbestos removal issues over the years but I would guess that if a ride wasn't shut down for any mechanical issues then it wouldn't take much to get it going again, especially one that is largely undercover.

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Dreamworld PR answered a question on Facebook ages ago, and it was something to the effect that the attraction required a massive overhaul that was deemed too expensive.

The ride would have remained operable, but hampered by whatever improvements or overhaul were identified as being needed. Given the ride was simply shuttered, it is (apart from a little TLC) probably in the same condition it was back then - nothing has changed - except that it would appear that they now have some money to throw at the problem.

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That is pretty much what I always thought had happened... at the time the maintenance cost too much, It could have been they just saw it was no longer feasible so when they closed it for it's annual maintenance they just kept it closed?

And yeah I do tend to overestimate things like this... I'm not exactly sure what type of mechanical devices need to be working to get a cart along a track... such as winches and brakes etc. ...not only that but any debris that could have fallen on the track inside? Who knows

I find it all very very fascinating though!... If the restoration does go ahead I'd love to go in there with the maintenance team and document the entire restoration process with a video camera :) Make it into a mini doco for YouTube...

Interview some of the staff who worked on it... Dig up some archival footage... I think that would be cool to make

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I posted the article link onto Dreamworld's FB wall earlier. Belinda Brown (aka "Belinda koala") had this to say!

Given they have been directly answering other people's enquiries on DW's wall of late, I'm guessing it's a park employee behind the account, and they most certainly are adding fuel to the fire with this, as opposed to dismissing recent speculation.

I'm fairly convinced now that Eureka Mine Ride II is definitely a goer!!!!


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I read these Forums a lot and enjoy the speculation and imagination within the community

I really do hope this reopening is true, it was my first coaster ride growing up.

I've never seen you guys talk about it, you don't know who I am so I don't want or expect you to believe it but I thought I'd share a cool rumor I've heard over the years

It was rumoured the ride was closed immediately by the manufacturer/engineer due to the ride doing things it wasn't supposed to do with no explanation (example, the ride powering up with an e-stop in place during a staff track walk) I'm not saying I'm a believer of this rumor but it is an interesting thought

Dreamworld are under the impression gold rush is haunted... Food for thought?

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Is it just me or does that control panel look...

A ) Brand New

B ) Cleaned Up like new

C ) Was always looking spotless like that...

EDIT: At closer inspection it doesn't quite look BRAND new... there is some rust on it haha

EDIT2: Sorry for the edits but also noticed something else... Were the yellow strips of paint on the steps in the ride always that...Yellow? Shouldn't they have faded since 2006?

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